Virtual Reality for Soft Skills Corporate Training

In AR/VR Development

Virtual Reality for Soft Skills Corporate Training - read the full article about VR development, AR/VR Development and Augmented & Virtual Reality Solutions from The Training and Development Channel on Qualified.One

- Imagine being able to truly immerse your learners in real to life scenarios that allow them to practice their communication, decision-making and emotional intelligence.

This video is going to review the basics of soft skills training and how you can incorporate virtual reality to create engaging learning experiences.

(gentle upbeat music) Hello, my name is Bill Cunneen, and I am the business development manager here at Roundtable Learning.

Weve worked with clients across the globe to build a training solutions that develop their learners soft skills and increase organizations efficiencies.

And today we are going to talk about how virtual reality can be used for soft skills training.

(gentle upbeat music) Soft skills are the intangible elements or personal attributes that characterize our interactions with other people.

Also known as human skills or social skills.

Soft skills guide our emotional intelligence and individual character.

Examples of soft skills include communication, empathy, work ethic, adaptability and creativity.

The most successful soft skills training programs provide learners with a chance to navigate true to jobs scenarios.

Common activities for soft skills training can include anything from job shadowing and on the job coaching, to role-playing and e-learning modules.

But now we have newer learning technologies like virtual reality, to help train for soft skills.

(gentle upbeat music) Virtual reality takes existing principles and learning activities presented through ILT and leverages them by recreating realistic interactions in a stress-free, fully immersive environment.

Virtual reality for soft skills training comes with four major benefits.

Virtual reality brings wide accessibility for users.

Learners can have access to the activities by headset, desktop or mobile device, from anywhere at any time.

Learners can experience scenarios from other perspectives.

The immersive nature of virtual reality can really put the learner in someone elses shoes by surrounding them with sights and sounds of a new environment.

The activities are repeatable.

With virtual reality, learners can repeat the same activities and test their skills until they master them.

Employees train fester.

Soft skills training that usually takes hours to complete in the classroom, can be completed four times faster with virtual reality.

Now, lets look at an example of soft skills training with virtual reality.

(gentle upbeat music) As you can see, we are transported into an office setting with the ability to look around and use a controller to click on the buttons.

Lets get started.

- Hi, can you do anything right? I asked you to QA these marketing slicks but the copy is littered with typos and the design is sloppy, what gives? I sound stressed? Of course Im stressed.

You dont go from an intern to a senior designer in five years without being stressed.

Its part of the process and right now, youre wrecking my process.

(scoffs) You cant make it on talent alone.

Yeah, okay, talk to me when youre at my level.

- [Bill] We heard the employee talking harshly to a coworker on the phone.

Now the virtual reality activity will allow you to make a decision, either bring the employee into your office or ignore the situation.

Lets bring the employee in.

Now, this next phase of the virtual reality activity, will let us test our ability to navigate a difficult conversation and diffuse a tense situation.

This activity utilizes branch learning, which means that every decision will have a different outcome.

Think of it as a choose your own adventure.

Lets watch.

- Its just that Im working so hard and doing so much for this company.

I dont have time for unnecessary delays in my workflow.

How am I supposed to trust them if they cant do their job? Do you know how frustrating it is not to have a dependable team? This is BS, I dont need to deal with this crap.

- [Bill] Wow, it looks like that did not go well.

This would be a great opportunity to talk with your learner about the branch learning options they chose and how the situation could have been handled better.

Consider pairing multiple learning methods to create a blended learning program.

Using a mix of learning modalities like virtual reality with in-person activities, is a good way to boost knowledge retention, which will only increase the likelihood of your learner applying what they have learned in real life.

I hope this helped you to learn about how virtual reality can be used for soft skills training.

If you want to learn even more, our seven step guide to building virtual reality training is a great resource.

That link is in the description below.

If you have any questions, reach out to us at any time and make sure to like this video and subscribe for all things training and development.

(gentle upbeat music)

The Training and Development Channel: Virtual Reality for Soft Skills Corporate Training - AR/VR Development