Top 5 Marketing Strategies For ALL Businesses in 2021 - Marketing 101

In Digital Marketing

Top 5 Marketing Strategies For ALL Businesses in 2021 - Marketing 101 - read the full article about web marketing 2021, Digital Marketing and All digital inbound channels from Jordan Platten on Qualified.One
Jordan Platten
Youtube Blogger

are you struggling with getting more customers  or growing your business well this is the video for you today were going to be going through  the latest marketing tactics that you can use to grow your business regardless of your b2b or  b2c these are current strategies that you can use to increase your revenue and take your company  to the next level okay so this video is going to be extremely valuable to you you can think you  have the best business in the world the best product the best customers but if you do not have  an effective marketing strategy that cuts through the noise in this digital marketing space then  youre simply not going to be able to scale and youre not going to be able to get your business  to the level you want to get it to so lets get straight into this no fluff no noise just pure  value these are the top five marketing strategies that you need to implement in your business right  now regardless of your size or your niche in no particular order number one is paid advertising  and this is a strategy i recommend to absolutely all businesses if youve never watched my  videos before my name is jordan platten i own were multi-service digital  marketing company here in the uk and our core service is offering facebook ads paid facebook  ads to companies in order to explode their sales online and weve literally generated millions and  millions in new revenue for companies all over the globe thousands of different product ranges so we  truly know this works ill see if i can throw up some screenshots around me as im talking so what  actually is paid advertising paid advertising is any kind of advertising you have to pay for but  im specifically talking about social media and google ads here so when were scrolling through on  newsfeed on our favorite social media platform we see that sponsored tag we see a company offering  a product or service they want to offer us thats targeted to us that is a paid ad that company  have paid for that slot and they have targeted you as their ideal customer you can literally  get yourselves in front of anybody you want to get yourself in front of on social media you could  target women aged 35 who live on a certain street in london like red jumpers and own a dog it is  that targeted and it makes sense for us to get ourselves on these platforms because we are in  a world now addicted to social media and mobile phones you only have to scroll down the feed to  see everybody walking and swiping and so if you are not getting yourselves in the hands of your  customers exactly where they are every single day then you are simply leaving money on the table  now there are multiple forms of paid advertising online we have a cost per click cpc advertising  which is like google ads we then have cost per impression which is like how facebook and  instagram works we pay to reach a certain amount of people thats usually whats called a cpm  which is cost to reach a thousand people and then finally we have display ads theyre the banners  and everything that you see when youre scrolling through the internet or probably the sponsored  video you saw before watching this one right now on youtube now the most popular advertising  platforms at the moment are facebook and google and they work in very very different ways when  you are advertising on google you are trying to hit people based on the keywords that theyre  searching so essentially your customers are already looking for your product or service and  youre putting yourself in front of them youre getting to the top of that news feed so they are  seeing you before they see one of your competitors so theyre already slightly warm before they  reach your website this is very effective for any kind of business that has a keyword rich  company something a product or service that people are searching for regularly now facebook on  the other side is a advertising platform where we are putting ourselves in front of our potential  customer this is interruption marketing we are getting on that news feed and we are saying  hey you need our product or service and this is why you need it this is very effective for new  start businesses companies who have a large budget and good content that they can use because content  is king on facebook we want good imagery and good videos that we can use to grab our potential  customers attention now if you dont have a very large budget the absolute minimum you should be  doing is retargeting on facebook and retargeting is exactly what it sounds like on facebook we can  re-target our existing pool of potential customers we all have social media we all have websites at  least you absolutely should be if youre watching this video and on that website on that social  media platform we are getting traffic we are getting people looking at our photos liking our  photos commenting just visiting us following us visiting our website pages looking at our products  that is all traffic that we should be retargeting with a single ad and an offer for a product so  that person can be converted from somebody whos just spectating to somebody who is going to become  a customer so as a minimum go and research in fact theres a video on this uh on my channel click the  link after this by the way and learn how to launch your first facebook ad you can literally watch  that video and it will teach you exactly what you need to do to launch your first ever facebook ad  launch a retargeting ad for all of your existing web traffic all of your existing social media  following and set a 10 or 10 pound a day budget on that to start off with i guarantee youre  gonna get some pretty good results straight away number two utilize new social media apps now in  the world of social media there are always new companies coming up and trying to compete with  the big players facebook instagram and youtube and over the last couple of years weve seen two  massive platforms actually stick but one of them is tick tock and i know what youre thinking tik  tok thats not for me thats kids dancing doing silly videos online and that simply isnt true  in all cases in business your business without realizing maybe a business that you can create  content for and get serious serious levels of exposure heres an example this is a clothing  company and on this video specifically they have 1.5 million views and over 80 000 followers  to their page they are generating monumental amounts of sales from this tick tock page because  theyre gaining huge interest and virality across the content that they are posting now this is very  very simple content this is taking them more than 15 minutes per day right and if you have  the capacity to create content and it could be relevant to a tick-tock based audience you  absolutely should use it because the algorithm at the moment is still ridiculous and you can get  huge amounts of exposure with very little work at all now another platform thats really kicked off  recently is clubhouse if you are a thought leader in your industry you absolutely should be trying  to be one everybody who is working in any industry should be trying to become a thought leader  because when we have authority we have the ability to sell easier because we gain more trust to our  customers now if you are interested in doing that clubhouse is a great place to do it because we  can join private rooms with a ton of our potential customers and also other industry leaders in  our niche and we can talk about our products or services maybe not shamelessly plugging them but  talking about the benefits of what it is that we do as a business and educating people within your  space when we build authority we build trust they come over to our page and they buy our products  or services if you get into a really big room a really big group you can make a serious amount  of sales on the platform and ive known people who have literally gained hundreds of thousands  followers on the platform in literally a couple of weeks again the algorithm is ridiculous  right now so keep an eye out for all of the latest platforms and dont be afraid to jump into  something new its when its new that we need to jump into it the quickest right because thats  when the algorithm is at its hottest and that is when we can make the biggest returns from  it number three is email marketing and i know what you may be thinking jordan i thought this is  meant to be current strategies now if you think that peoples attention is more on social media  and they are not using email anymore and its an ineffective marketing strategy youre wrong and  its simply not the case emails come full circle in 2019 global email users amounted to 3.9 billion  active users and in 2023 thats expected to grow to 4.3 billion users thats half the worlds  population thats not something to be ignored if youre doing business in the developed world your  customers are using email and you have no excuse not to get yourselves in front of them 24 hours a  day 365 days a week now if your excuse is i cannot do it i dont know how to do it i dont know the  tools i literally teach people this stuff for free again theres a link around here right now on how  you can use activecampaign a software to smash out email blast to your customer list you can  start building a database that you can remarket this is completely for free theres no excuse for  not to be doing this email marketing is a highly effective way for us to nurture our customers  some businesses have customers that have a longer buying process we need to warm them up and build  trust before they want to buy from us we can get them enrolled into a newsletter incentivize that  newsletter and send them out weekly value or daily value if youve got time about our product or  service or our industry and the benefits of what it is we have to offer for them build enough trust  for them to buy our product and become a customer we can then use email marketing to remarket  those existing customers with new promotions and offers when we have them we can literally  get ourselves in the hands of them very very easily and the benefit for them is they can read  the emails whenever they want to at their own time convenience now these emails dont need to be  complicated the best copywriting style was a human casual style speak to your customers in the way  you would want to be spoken to if you were them build a relationship with them and give them an  offer that they cannot refuse so you can increase your close rate via email so go build an email  strategy number four is search engine optimization or seo now seo is the process of increasing  your traffic to a specific website through search engines such as google bing and yahoo we  want to get ourselves to the top of that list on the first page of google the holy grail but if  we can get in the top three then we really are doing something right now a common misconception  about seo is its a standalone strategy that just consists of making sure your website has a lot of  keywords on it now that simply isnt true but seo is central to a successful inbound marketing  strategy its extremely effective because it continues to evolve as the internet and search  engines do we can get ourselves in front of our customers very easily and quickly when they just  search us on a search engine and because of that its very cost effective as well because were  not paying to get ourselves on top of the feed because we have the organic stuff nailed down  now if youre in a business to business industry seo is still the most effective way for you to  generate leads with 14 of all b2b leads being generated through organic search closely followed  by email marketing at 13 and social media at 12 so if youre in b2b you really need to be focusing  on seo now as i said its not just about keywords on your website although thats a huge part of  it we want to be conscious when were creating our website pages then we have high quality  content our images arent too large we dont have pixelated bad quality pages and were making sure  that all of our written content is as keyword rich as possible but it also needs to read well okay  it doesnt need to be like the tags on a youtube video now we can do a number of other things to  increase our overall seo weight and we can make sure our social media is equally as seo rich we  have social media pages across as many channels as we are actively using we can launch a blog on  our website thats probably the most effective way to start getting ourselves out there more if  you launch a blog talking about relevant things going on in your industry you start educating  people on your products or your services as well thats going to be a great way for us to start  ranking on google and for google to recognize us as a more established company so we can get  ourselves at the top of the feed it only took us two weeks to get ourselves at the top of the feed  for the affluent agency and the affluent academy and our brand new ad ads education business learn now we are number one on google for learn ads and we rank above google themselves with their  own training platform and the facebook blueprint as well now thats pretty good if i say so  myself and we achieved that through regular blogs through getting ourselves all over social media  and making sure we could generate as much traffic to those pages as possible through paid ads as  well now we achieved that by making sure our website was high quality we hired a very good web  development agency so the code is nice and simple its clean theres no mess its very keyword rich  and we shared the website across all of our social media channels and started posting on them as  soon as we possibly could so we nested ourselves in the google algorithm very very quickly we  started gaining traffic on that page when we hit first page and now we are right at the top of the  search results once youre there its relatively easy to maintain unless somebodys working harder  than you are at their seo so start thinking about seo how can you use what you already have how can  you improve what youve already got to make sure you rank higher on organic search now finally  number five is earned media and pr now earned media is essentially free advertising online its  media that we have earned through our customers all through press releases through various  media channels there are a few ways that we can tackle this but its very important that  every single company is using some kind of earned media strategy the easiest way is through customer  testimonials and reviews make sure you are asking every single review every single customer that you  have to leave you a review if they are satisfied of your product or service and not just on  somewhere like trustpilot but on facebook on your various social media channels as well because  you want to make sure we have omnipresence when it comes to good reviews with all of our customers  so we have trustpilot google reviews and facebook theyre great places for you to begin when we  have reviews our customers become our sales team they start selling our products for them and  if every single customer we had told five people about our product or service would scale up  pretty quickly the next thing we can ask them for is testimonials and we can integrate this with  a email marketing campaign send an email out one week after our customers receive a product  ask for a review on the various platforms send them a link and ask for a testimonial we can  get a video testimonial we can use that video for a facebook ad or a youtube ad we can use it  for content organically on our social media and this is how you create a overarching marketing  strategy which is symbiotic everything starts working together everything starts complementing  itself and that is the secret to success in digital marketing in 2021 we need to gain  omnipresence and use a whole bunch of different strategies now on the end media thing as well we  can reach out to podcasts we can feature on there so we can feature them on our podcast we can go on  youtube channels we can have people on our youtube channel we can gain access to the clout that  they have in our industry we can try and earn free pr okay so we can reach out to editors for  local or international publications which are relevant to our industry we can teach people  about our products or services educate them on things that were doing in the industry there are  so many different avenues that we can go down to earn free or earned media and pr and we need to be  utilizing that because it doesnt cost us anything so guys if you made it to the end of this video  youve got a lot to get yourself stuck into now id advise you picking one thing from the video  mastering that first of all implementing that into your business and then expanding out into the  other strategies that weve gone through today now i know ive given you a couple of videos  for reference to move on to after this one but if youre interested in looking into some  further trends and future trends for digital marketing things i think you should have a  look into for the future then we do have a video about future trends in digital marketing as  well um and ill try and put a link around here or in the description too so i hope you enjoyed  this video ill see you in the next one cheers

Jordan Platten: Top 5 Marketing Strategies For ALL Businesses in 2021 - Marketing 101 - Digital Marketing