20+ Social Media Post Ideas to Radically Simplify Your Marketing

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20+ Social Media Post Ideas to Radically Simplify Your Marketing - read the full article about Social Media Marketing trends 2021, Social Media Marketing and from Social Media Examiner on Qualified.One
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- If you are a business owner, I can guarantee that every month you ask yourself what to post or you spend a way too much time trying to figure it out and plan it out.

In this video, Im gonna walk you through over 20 different social media posts ideas that you can use every single month on repeat to keep your organic social media channels, fresh, engaging, helpful, and valuable to your audience.

(upbeat music) Why should you be posting organic social media content? I think most of us understand that in todays world, its a necessity.

But again, you dont want to be spending all of your time creating content that people may or may not see.

You do want to make sure that youre focusing on systems that can increase your speed and efficiency when creating your social content.

The first thing that you really want to know before we dive into this is your audience, in depth.

You want to know what they like, the topics of interests, their biggest pain points, their biggest questions.

Knowing your audience will make all of this so much easier.

But trust me, using these post templates can actually help you get to know your audience much, much better.

The second thing you really want to understand is what are your business goals? Dont take exactly what Im sharing with you today.

Make sure that you tweak these and customize for those products and services you want to focus on.

The end goals, such as a phone call, a text message, an appointment.

All right, lets get started.

Number one, this is a, this or that template.

This is simply asking for your audience to give you feedback on what they would prefer, this option or that option.

For example, if you are a home remodeling business, you could ask people which kitchen style they prefer, this modern kitchen or that rustic kitchen.

If youre a running store, you could ask people which running shoe they prefer, or which brand, Nike or Adidas.

Theres so many options here, I know youll find something that works.

The second one well talk about is called a, B, C, or D.

This is similar to this or that, but instead youre giving someone four different options.

This could be for them to choose the option they like best.

It also could be for them to choose the option they like least.

For example, if youre a restaurant and you serve all-American style food, you could have four photos, pizza, chicken, wings, hamburgers, and French fries.

You could say, if you had to get rid of one of these for the rest of your life and can never eat it again, which one would it be? A, B, C, or D. And let your audience share their feedback.

The next would be a testimonial.

I cannot tell you how genuinely impactful this type of post can be, yet how rare I truly see it posted by any type of business.

This could be a Facebook review.

This could be a video that somebody shot you on their cell phone.

This could be an email that was sent that you screenshoted.

It could be a text message.

Its someone that has purchased from you that is happy with what youve done, sharing their genuine words.

Pro tip, if you have a really long testimonial, take out a really powerful line and put it in a graphic.

You can post the entire comment or testimonial in the post content, but you have something really simple and eye catching for your audience to look at before they read the rest of the review.

One of my favorites is a story format.

This could be a story about you, it could be a story about one of your employees.

It could be a clients story that youre sharing to showcase why they decided to buy your product and service.

It really is a great exercise in improving your storytelling, to be able to better connect with your audience and really establish yourself as a personable brand that people can trust.

Another idea would be to focus on different styles, designs, or options within the actual products and services that you sell.

If you are a flooring store, then you could showcase two or three different styles of flooring.

Maybe the color style.

Helping people understand the differences between your product offerings will ultimately put them in a much better position to be ready to buy.

Another post example that Id highly encourage you to try is the transparency option.

This is taking something that typically isnt discussed in your business very often and making it very clear and transparent for the client to see, such as pricing.

one great example would be a friend of Social Media Examiner, Marcus Sheridan.

He noticed that everyone in the pool industry was not publishing their pricing anywhere.

Homeowners were desperate to find out how much this might cost, because they needed to know what they could afford.

He decided to publish all of his prices online for everyone to see, and the results were incredible.

He had so many homeowners reaching out to get started, because they finally felt confident to work with someone who wasnt afraid to publish the cost of what their product and service was actually going to be.

This does not have to be only for pricing.

However, pricing is usually a great way to do it.

It could be the way that you operate your business on the backend.

It could be about where your products are purchased from, or sourced from or how theyre made.

Theres so many different things you can choose from, but it should be something that isnt discussed very frequently in your industry, but that your audience potential customers are desperate to learn more about.

Another idea would be to talk about different materials or tools involved in your business.

If you are a digital business, this could be your programs youre using on a daily basis.

Highlight something that youve really enjoyed and share that fun fact with others who could benefit.

If you are a physical product seller, you could talk about the actual materials that are used in different products, why you chose the ones that you did, or the tools involved with making some of these products.

People want to know where things come from, especially if youre a physical product seller.

Another great idea is to really highlight one of your clients.

This could be focused on them as a person, it could be focused on what you helped them with.

Its shining the light on a client or customer, making them feel great.

That type of post is really gonna encourage them to share it with their audience, which is going to reach a lot more people.

The same could be said for highlighting another business in your area or industry.

People love to be flattered, and if you can be the one doing the flattering, they in fact have a much higher likelihood of sharing that content, exposing your business to new potential customers.

Quick tips are one of my absolute favorite type of organic posts.

You have more than a few quick tips that only someone with as much experience as you have would know, start sharing those tips.

It could be one simple sentence, but if the value is there, if it will help somebody, theyre gonna think of you every single time they use it.

A great option for posts is always frequently asked questions.

This is not only integral as part of your sales training, this is where your best content can come from.

Make sure that at least once a month, youre taking one of those frequently asked questions, asking the question as the opening line in the content, and then giving the answer for everyone to see.

Thats how you turn a frequently asked questions into questions that are no longer asked.

Another option that I love is the before and after.

Before and afters are not just limited to health and fitness businesses.

Theyre not just limited to beauty businesses.

Every single product or service develops some type of transformation for the person whos utilizing it.

You need to understand what your transformation is and create a post that focuses on that before and after.

If you are a marketer or a social media manager, a before and after could simply be screenshots of the results before you started working with that person, versus the screenshot of the results after you started working with that person.

Another idea would be an employee feature.

I can guarantee your employees are gonna absolutely love you taking some time every single month to highlight one of them, what they do for you, what their dreams and aspirations are and how much of an asset they are to the company.

People in your community will really enjoy seeing that as well.

Another really, really versatile idea is gonna be content related to the other interests of your potential buyers.

Every single business is within an industry, and those industries are naturally connected to other industries or types of products or types of services.

You really need to understand what your buyers want, what they need, what they think about, what they enjoy.

And you should have a list of that content so that you can create ideas that dont just focus on what you sell, but focus on what your audience likes in relation to your product or service.

Thats the way that you can establish yourself as an industry expert.

For example, a hair salon can talk about a lot more than just hair.

They can talk about makeup, they can talk about fashion trends.

They can talk about health and wellness.

I promise you, if you take a few minutes and write out a list, itll be a lot easier than you think.

Another post example would be the comparison.

This can relate to just about anything.

Its simply comparing one thing with another.

You really want to focus on the details.

For example, price or quality or durability, how its used, what the end result typically is going to be.

This could be for a physical product, it could be for a service.

It also could be something unrelated to your product and service that your ideal client would care about.

Another great example would be pros and cons.

This can relate to your products and services, It can relate to your industry, to you and your competitors.

It could relate to things that your customers or potential customers are actually doing.

Anything that relates to your business can be a comparison with benefits and drawbacks.

You just have to keep your eyes open for them.

One of the very best things to do is to utilize user-generated content.

This is simply a piece of content created by someone whos purchased your product and service.

This could be a photo of them wearing your product and service.

This could be a photo of them after theyve used your product or service.

It could be a picture of you and your employees with someone in the community that they posted on their social media channels.

Anything that is published by one of your customers is user-generated content, and its a great thing to highlight.

Another great topic to discuss is trends.

There are trends in every industry, whether thats related to the products and services, the direction the industry is taking pricing, sourcing.

A great example of this could be the automotive industry.

The electric car trends are rising.

I would want to be highlighting the differences that we may see between the cars we have today and the cars that well have in five years.

A really great idea for content can be focusing on the causes that matter to you.

If you are working in the remodeling industry, Habitat for Humanity could be a very natural fit.

If you were working in the animal industry, then working with a charity that rescues animals could be a great fit.

Whatever that cause is that matters to you, ideally it can relate to your business or your audience in some way.

Those are things that Id highly encourage you to speak out about and try and get other people involved, because the more people involved in that cause, the better it will be, for not just your business, but for everyone.

You also want to make sure that youre actively posting some long form content occasionally.

This could be a longer video.

It could be a podcast, it could be a blog that youve written.

You should have a good mix of short form and long form.

And once a month is definitely a very easy to achieve timeframe for this.

If youre a local business, you should definitely be talking about community related activities.

For example, social media marketing world.

This is an incredible conference for the social media industry.

So if youre related to the social media business in any way, that would be a great topic to discuss coming up in future months.

Finally, you need to be making a direct offer every single month.

Too often, businesses just assume that their audience understands what they sell and how they can work with them.

I would encourage you to get more active in posting direct offers.

What is something that you have going on right now that your audience may not know about? Talk about it and give them a very direct call to action, And youll see an immediate increase in engagement for the thing you actually want, which is sales.

Now that you have all of your content topics planned out, you really need to get these written, created and scheduled.

Id highly recommend the process of batching.

All your copy at once, all of your creative at once, and hopefully scheduling those out.

There are a lot of different social media scheduling tools available, but Id highly recommend just diving in with Facebook business suite if you have access to it, otherwise go into your Facebook business page under publishing tools and start scheduling these posts right then and there.

If all youre doing is organic social content, you are going to be missing out on some of the prime benefits of paid Facebook and Instagram ads.

Click on this video on the screen to learn how you can incorporate your organic content strategy and your paid ad strategy to see the best possible results.

Social Media Examiner: 20+ Social Media Post Ideas to Radically Simplify Your Marketing - Social Media Marketing