How to Run JAVA in Visual Studio Code on Windows 10 [2021 Update] VS Code + JAVA [ JAVA Developers ]

In Software Development

How to Run JAVA in Visual Studio Code on Windows 10 [2021 Update] VS Code + JAVA [ JAVA Developers ] - read the full article about java development 2021, Software Development and from Geeky Script on Qualified.One
Geeky Script
Youtube Blogger

hello everyone i welcome you to my channel today  im going to show you how to run java program in your favorite code editor called visual studio  code editor so lets begin now to run your java program in your visual studio code editor you need  to first download these two software one is a java and another is visual studio code editor so for  that you need to first simply go to your favorite browser and in here integer simply type jdk space  download then enter and then youll be seeing the first searches at least so just  now simply click on this java ic download and then youll be seeing the latest version is java  ac 16 so just in a simple click on jdk download and this will you know going to redirect you  to this page in here if you just scroll down a bit you will be getting this windows x64  installer so just click on this jdk 16.0.2 and then you need to just simply accept this  license agreement so just you know simply check this check that and then just simply  click on download 16.2 windows x64 bin file and this element are going to start downloading  your java since i have already downloaded it i just you know simply cancel it so our java has  already been downloaded now you need to download visual studio code so far they just simply  open a new tab and in here just simply type ps code download and then youll be  seeing this is basically our first search result so ninja  sim click on download visual studio code and this element are going to redirect you  to this official site of visual studio code in here you need to just simply scroll down  a bit and you will be getting this windows button so just simply click on that and it will  going to start downloading our visual studio code since i have already downloaded it i just you know  simply cancel it and if i just simply minimize my browser and if i just simply go to my download  directory you can clearly see we have java 16.2 and we have visual studio 1.59 has been readily  installed on our machine now we need to first install the java so for that just  simply double click on java 16.2 and then you need to just simply click on es  to provide administrative privileges and then let us first minimize our download directory and  now as you can clearly see our java installation wizard has been directly open so in here you  need to just click on next so this is going to be your installation destination so keep this  as a default and then just simply click on next and this element are going to start installing  our java 16.0.2 so this will you know going to take a couple of minutes so what well be doing is  ill be coming back after installing java 16.2 yup so welcome back and now you can clearly see  our java ec development kit 16.0.2 has been directly installed so just simply click on close  and then you need to set your environment path variable so for that just simply click on this  search icon and in here just simply type environ and youll be getting this edit the system  environment variables so just simply simply click on that and this element are going to open  this system properties in here you need to just click on environment variables and then you need  to just simply click on the path and then edit and then youll be seeing this edit environment  variables has been inheritly open and now you need to just simply go to your c directory and  then it is just simply go to your program files then java then java jdk 16.0.2 then bin folder  and then you need to just simply copy this address so right click on it and copy and then  just simply go to your system properties in here just simply click on new and then  just simply paste it yep and then okay right so our environment path has been indirectly  set now we need to also set our java home so for that simple click on new and then in  here just simply type java underscore home yep and then in under this environment variable you  need to just simply paste that path but this time you need to delete this so we are basically going  to paste till jdk 16.2 and then just simply click on okay then again okay then again okay and  now if you just simply minimize your directory and then if you just simply go to your command  prompt and in here just simply type java space dash dash version then enter you can clearly see  our java 16.2 has been rightly installed right so just simply cancel our comment prompt and then  let us first go back to our download directory so we are again back to our download  directory and now we are going to install visual studio code so just simply double click  on it to basically install our visual studio code and you can clearly see this license agreement of  visual studio code has been you know rightly open so let us first minimize our download directory  then just accept this license agreement and then just click on next so this is going to be our  installation destination so keep everything as a default and then just click on next and then again  next and then you need to just also check this create a desktop icon so that our desktop icon  gets created over here and you need to also check this add to path this is very important so just  you know simply check this if its not checked and then just simply click on next and now its  telling that its ready to be installed so for installation just simply click on install and  this element were going to start installing our microsoft visual studio code so this  will you know take couple of minutes so what were doing is ill begin coming back after  installing microsoft visual studio code yeah so well come back and now you can clearly  see our visual studio code has been directly installed so just simply click on finish and this  element are going to launch our visual studio code so it has you know rightly launched and you can  clearly see our latest version that is july 2021 version 1.59 has been already installed and now  you need to just click on this extensions icon and in here integer simply type java  space extension pack yup and you will be getting this first search result called java  extension pack so just simply click on that and you will be getting this java extension  pack and it is developed by microsoft right now in here you need to just simply click on  install to basically install this pack and it will you know going to install this visual studio  intellicode then java language for java and other you know debugger for java maybe for java java  test runner project manager for java so they theyre going to install all those items and you  can clearly see it has you know rightly installed right so now you need to go back to your explorer  and in here you need to just simply click on file and then new file right and then you need to  just simply click on again file then save as so this will going to redirect you to this  window and in here you just simply can win documents so we are basically going to save  our program inside a new directory called java dash workspace yep just you know simply go  inside that folder and in here and it will just write a file name so lets give the file name as  uh hello world and then just you know simply save it as a dot java and then you need to set the save  as type 2 all file type yeah all file so just you know simply do that much and then just click on  save and you can clearly see our hello has been has has been you know rightly saved over  here in here into write a simple java code snippet so for that just you know simply type class then  hello world and then just even open brace and in here into just you know simply type main so that  we can just you know simply create a main method and then just if you just simply select that you  can clearly see this intelligence support that this visual studio could provide has automatically  created your main method right now we need to just you know simply print uh hello world in our  console so for the same system.out.println and in here we need to just simply print hello  world yeah so we have you know rightly uh written a simple hello world code snippet just go to file  then save and now if you just simply click on this run button it will not going to start compiling  you need to just simply give allow access to our you know windows firewall so it is not a big deal  so just simply give access and you can clearly see this hello world has been you know rightly shown  in our console right so in this way you install the latest version of visual studio code and java  and then i have also shown you how you can run your java program in your favorite ide call your  visual studio code ide so thats basically all about this video friends thank you very much for  watching this video please do share and please do subscribe our channel and if you really like  this video then please give it a like so thats all for this little friends thank you very much  for watching this video and god bless you all

Geeky Script: How to Run JAVA in Visual Studio Code on Windows 10 [2021 Update] VS Code + JAVA [ JAVA Developers ] - Software Development