How to Install Java 17.0.1 on Windows 10/11 [2021 Update] JAVA_HOME, JDK installation Complete Guide

In Software Development

How to Install Java 17.0.1 on Windows 10/11 [2021 Update] JAVA_HOME, JDK installation Complete Guide - read the full article about java development 2021, Software Development and from Geeky Script on Qualified.One
Geeky Script
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hello everyone i will come here to my channel  today im going to show you how to install the latest version of java that is java  17.0.1 in a windows operating system so lets begin now before starting the video id like  to first tell you that if you are using windows 10 operating system or if you are using windows 11  operating system so this video will going to be work on both this operating system for sure right  so lets dive in and see how to download java and how to install it right so for that you need  to first simply go to favorite browser and in the address bar you need to just simply type jdk  download then enter and then youll be seeing this is basically our first search  result so just simply click on java downloads and you can clearly see that our official  site of java has been rightly opened over here in here if you just simply scroll down a bit  you can see that java 17 is available now so java 17 is available for uh you know past  couple of months but java 17.1 is released lately so what we are going to do is we are going to  download it for windows you can see that linux macos and windows tabs are available so currently  we are in linux tab we need to switch it to windows tab right and then  we are going to install this amsi installer all right so for that we will  just you know simply going to click on this link and it will you know going to start  downloading our java so since i have already downloaded it i just you know simply cancel  it and if i just simply minimize my browser and if i just simply go to my download directory  you can clearly see that the latest version of java has been rightly downloaded over here now to  install you need to just simply double click on it and you can clearly see that our latest  version of java that is java 17.1 installation wizard has been rightly  opened over here so just simply click on next and this is going to be our installation  destinations that is c program files java jdk 78.1 so you can keep this as default and then just  simply click on next and you can see it is you know currently asking for administrative  privileges so for the just simplification yes and it will not going to start installing our  java so this entire process will take a couple of minutes so what well be doing is ill be  coming back right after installing our java yeah so well come back now you can clearly see that  our java has been written installed so just you know simply come close and now all you need to do  is you need to just you know simply go inside your c drive then it will just simply go inside your  program files and here you can see that a java folder has been right to create it over here so  just you know simply go inside that folder then jdk 7.0.1 youll be seeing a folder created right  after installing so just simply go inside that folder then go inside this bin folder and then  you need to just simply click on this address bar then right click on it and copy right  thats enough then just simply minimize your directory and now you need to just simply click on  the search icon and here you need to just simply type in wiron right and youll be getting this  eddie dust system environment variables so just simply click on that and it will you know going  to open the system properties window over here so just simply click on environment variables and  you will be seeing environment variables window rightly open here under system variables you will  be seeing one path all right so just simply click on that then just simply click on edit then new  then right click on it and paste right so what we are doing is we are first installing our java then  we are simply going to this directory then copying that path and then we are opening this environment  variables and then we are simply pasting that path over here right so this is what we are doing is is  to set our environment variables which is a very important step guys so do do all these steps right  and then just simply click on ok so now that you have rightly set your environment path its time  to set our java home as well so for that here you need to just simply click on new and youll be  getting this new system variables here you need to set your variable name so for that here you  need to just simply type java underscore home and under this variable value you need to just  again simply paste it right that same path but this time remember to delete this bin and slash  as well right so here we are going to just simply paste till jdk 7.1 right and then just same click  on ok then again ok and then again okay right and now if you just simply again click on the  search icon and here if we just simply type cmd then enter you can see that our command  prompt has been rightly opened over here so right here if we just simply type java space  dash dash version then enter you can clearly see that our latest version of java that is java  17.1 has been rightly installed on our machine so now i will also show you how to run a simple  java hello world program and how to compile them so let us first create a new folder over here so  new folder right and give this folder name as a java then just simply go inside that folder then  again right click on it then new a text document right so just simply go inside that  text document and here just simply type hello world java program so public  static void main string errors right so this is going to be our main method  and inside our main method what we are going to do is we are going to simply print our hello  world message in our console right so print ln and simply end with a semicolon and here just you  know simply type hello world right and then you need to just simply go inside your file then save  as and here lets give the file name as a prog dot java and here in save as type 2 you need to  set it as all file type thats a very important step guys do set it as all file type and  and then just simply click on save and youll be seeing that your file has been rightly saved as  prog right and now you can see that this file has been right to create it so just then simply click  on this address bar then just simply type cmd then enter and youll be getting your command prom  rightly open here if you just simply type java c then prog dot java then enter you can clearly  see that our program has directly compiled with helloworld.class file has been rightly generated  right so now to run this class what we we need to do is just simply type java then our class name  so what is the class name hello world right so just in a simply type hello world then enter and  you can clearly see that our hello world output has been rightly came from our program this simple  hellworld pokemon bright so in this way you can easily install the latest version of java in your  windows operating system so thats basically all about this video friends thank you very much  for watching this video and god bless you all

Geeky Script: How to Install Java 17.0.1 on Windows 10/11 [2021 Update] JAVA_HOME, JDK installation Complete Guide - Software Development