FastLogic IoT software development in Poland
Smart homes, Industrial IoT and retail software - number of IoT applications in Łódź increases every year, if not every month. FastLogic is focused on the modern IoT software development with continuous monitoring of the new trends and technologies to provide secure products with technical excellence.
FastLogic IoT programming in Łódź
We are full-stack IoT developers and use all essential IoT development tools: Raspberry Pi, Apache Hadoop, C/C#/C++ coding, Grafana/Spark/SciPy for machine learning.
Learn more about the IoT Development services in the ŁódźBest IoT Development agency FastLogic in Łódź
In FastLogic we design ingenious electronic solutions to address the most challenging issues any business might face. Since 2012 we've been building one of a kind team of experts, engineers with an academical background to be able to crack every problemŁódź internet of things development
The business value of connected devices grows sustainably in Poland last years.
Personal devices, industrial and business ones - all of those can get a completely new value being interconnected. Implementing IoT solutions into your business is one of the most straightforward ways to overcome your Łódź competition.
Internet of things technology in Łódź
All across Poland the IoT technologies are in high demand - and the last one grows quicker and quicker with the newest advances in Big Data science and microchip technologies.
In a 5-10 years it will be probably not possible to find any device in Łódź that would not be a part of certain IoT system.
IoT app development in Łódź
Custom internet of things software development is still a rather expensive investment in Poland. However, with the number of applications growing rapidly, we are likely to see a decrease of these costs in Łódź - probably, with the help of any kind of frameworks and ready-to-use common solutions.
Having said that, let's emphasize that the custom IoT software will dominate the Łódź market for at least several years.
Łódź Industrial IoT
Apart from the dozens of applications to retail, real estate and other B2C markets, an outstanding benefit can be acquired via Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) implementation. More and more industrial companies in Poland start to use device-conecting solutions in their production. This helps to increase the controlability, reduce costs, improve QA processes and to make use of data coming from the different sources within the production process.
Internet of Things devices
Basically, any two devices connected together in a certain way, called a machine to machine interaction, could be called the IoT devices. Mobile phones, climate (temperature/humidity) devices, acoustic systems, security devices - the list is almost infinite. Why are they so desirable? Well, there are some reasons for it:
- Easy automation and control
- Supplied with technical information
- Strong monitoring features
- Money saving by reducing manual workload
- Automating daily/hourly/monthly tasks
- Increased efficiency
Łódź Internet of things security
Security breach in the IoT system can be a disaster - that is why the IoT cybersecurity is absolutely vital.
Apart from the proper architecture, the up-to-date and secure technologies are to be used. Let us outline the most popular tools and systems in Łódź needed for IoT analytics and development.
Hardware languages fot IoT development
- C/C++
- Golang
- C#
- Scala
Data collection for IoT and its processing
- Apache Hadoop
- Apache Kafka
- OpenTSDB
- Elasticsearch
Hardware IoT platforms
- Raspberry Pi
- Arduino
- BeagleBone
Machine learning for IoT
- Grafana
- Spark ML
- Python
- SciPy
- PyTorch
Co-founder and Chairman of the Board of FastLogic LLC CEO – in 2010 received with mention his Doctor of Engineering title in the field of electronics at the Lodz University of Technology. In 2012 he received the Prime Ministers Award for the best dissertation in his field. Winner of numerous awards and honors home and abroad including medals at international exhibitions of inventions. A graduate of internship/training programme of Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education in the frame of which he did an internship at Stanford University in 2012.
Co-founder and Board Member of FastLogic LLC CTO – in 2010 received with mention the Ph.D. degree in computer science in the domain of compiler construction from the Lodz University of Technology. In 2011 he received the ABB IT Challenge Second Award for PhD Dissertation in the field of information technology. His scientific research interests are mainly focused on the compiler construction control systems for high energy physics experiments and firmware development for embedded systems. His industry activities are related to advanced systems for data acquisition and processing using embedded microprocessors.
Szanowni Panstwo
Pragniemy poinformowac ze w dniu 25 maja 2018 r. wchodzi w zycie Rozporzadzenie Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osob fizycznych w zwiazku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przeplywu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE (ogolne rozporzadzenie o ochronie danych – RODO). Jako Panstwa uslugodawca chcielibysmy przypomniec najwazniejsze informacje dotyczace Panstwa danych osobowych w zwiazku z wejsciem w zycie RODO.
Administratorem Panstwa danych osobowych czyli podmiotem decydujacym o celach i sposobach przetwarzania Panstwa danych osobowych jest firma FastLogic Sp. z o.o. z siedziba w lodzi ul. Radwanska 56/2 93-574 lodz.
Panstwa dane moga byc zbierane i przetwarzane przede wszystkim w zwiazku ze sprzedaza oferowanych przez nas produktow i uslug badz kierowanymi przez Panstwa do nas zapytaniami a takze w celach marketingowych. W Polityce prywatnosci w szczegolnosci informujemy o podstawach prawnych i celach oraz sposobach przetwarzania danych osobowych okresie przetwarzania i kategoriach odbiorcow danych Panstwa prawach jako osoby ktorej dane osobowe dotycza w tym o prawie dostępu do danych osobowych ich sprostowania (w tym aktualizowania) prawie wniesienia sprzeciwu czy tez prawie do wycofania zgody – o ile przetwarzanie danych opiera się na jej udzieleniu – a takze o pozostalych uprawnieniach i sposobie kontaktowania się z nami celem ich realizacji.
Jednoczesnie zapewniamy ze:
Podanie danych osobowych nie jest obowiazkowe jednakze ich niepodanie spowoduje ze realizacja uslug lub ich częsci czy tez obsluga Panstwa konta w sklepie internetowym będzie niemozliwa.
W Polityce prywatnosci znajduja się rowniez pozostale dane identyfikujace nas jako administratora danych oraz dane kontaktowe jednak juz teraz wskazujemy ze w przypadku jakichkolwiek prosb lub pytan dotyczacych Pana danych osobowych jestesmy dostępni pod adresem:
W celu cofnięcia przekazanych uprzednio zgod lub zmiany zakresu przetwarzanych danych badz wniesienia sprzeciwu prosimy o wyslanie takiej wiadomosci na e-mail: [email protected]
Pozostale informacje moga Panstwo znalezc na naszej stronie internetowej w dziale Polityka prywatnosci dostępne od 25.05.2018 r.