How To Get Started With AR/VR as a WEB/MOBILE/GAME Developer?

In AR/VR Development

How To Get Started With AR/VR as a WEB/MOBILE/GAME Developer? - read the full article about VR development, AR/VR Development and Augmented & Virtual Reality Solutions from Rajat Kumar Gupta on Qualified.One
Rajat Kumar Gupta
Youtube Blogger

hey everyone welcome to the channel and in  this video im going to be talking about how you can become an arvr developer so the first thing that i want to mention  here is that this question that how to become an arvr developer is actually too big and  very broad and its i say this because um to get started in ervr you should have some sort  of knowledge in development in general development so youll understand what im trying to say once  you check out the whole video so what ive done is uh broken down this video into three parts that is  how to become an arvr developer as a web developer as a mobile developer and as a game developer  lets get started with with number one how to get started in arvr as a web developer as a web  developer and i guess you already have enough knowledge of html css and javascript those are  like basics right now its not important that you need to know a framework like react or angular  all right if you know thats great if you dont know thats okay as well okay now the next part  is to jump into something called 3.js and you build websites using 3.js okay and one course that  i recommend to everyone for 3.js is the course by bruno simon so ive already made a video on it  uh regarding the whole you know how it is and how good it is so you can check out the video if  you want to so now you have a good understanding of 3.js now you want to dive into something  called webxr okay um so theres a webxr api by google that you can check out and i tried it out  myself and using i combined 3.js and the webxr api to make something like this that  you can see on the screen right now okay now uh thats what it is in a nutshell like  you know html css javascript and now you know 3.js and now you know how to combine webxr  okay with 3.js now obviously you can go a step further and dive into the frameworks react.js  you can combine react.js 3.js and webxr together with something called react3 so react3 is  its i havent used it yet so im not sure i am still you know midway through react.js  im not very good at it or anything im just learning the basics right now so anyway you can  if you already have a good knowledge of react most probably you can check it out because i have  seen so many developers who are already talking about react 3 and you know combining react 3 with  augmented reality and doing some amazing stuff one thing to note over here is that though the  web xr api it most probably doesnt work for iphones it works only for android phones and  i dont know why is that because um like ive just heard this i havent tested it out because  i dont have an iphone like i just got to know it from one of my friends in the xr community  so if you want to go and try it out uh go ahead lets uh see if if it is actually working or  not and let me know down in the comments below so i guess that would make it easier for any  web developer to get started in er vr now and lets jump to the next track so as a mobile  developer you probably already have experience in either android development or ios development  right and uh for the people who use flutter lets uh im not going into that topic for now but lets  just focus on native mobile development for now that is ios development and android development  uh if youre developing ios applications you can create augmented rd apps  using something called ar kit and ar kit is one of the sdks that you can use  to develop ar applications in ios now if you already have experience in android you can get  started with ar core earlier we used to have this tool called scene form that that actually allowed  us to visualize 3d models inside of android studio but the problem now is that scene form is already  deprecated but the web page is still there i dont know why it is so but its still there and its  its not being maintained anymore so i have still tried it out myself and i cant use scene form  as easily as i used to when i explored it back in 2029 2018 yeah there are also some more sdks that  are there like theres one sdk that i would highly recommend its the vero core sdk its absolutely  fantastic and you can develop android ar apps using native or using viral core so while using  vero core you might face some difficulties while setting up the project and uh you know you have  to import the import the viral code library as a module so in fact you also need to include ar  core as a module so im not going to get into the technical side of it right now because uh this  video will become longer if you actually want to get started with verocore you can check out their  website and you can check out the documentation as well as you can check out their samples  on the github repository and this would be a better approach so i would say that you know  clone the github repo the samples repo that they have created and then try to understand  how the for the structure of the project is all right so once you understand the the project  structure you will be able to make the same thing in your own way like you can you can actually  create it from scratch but thats just my approach you can you can try it out yourself you can do  whatever you want to uh but but that is how i learned when i was you know trying out vero  core so it is important to understand here that vero core actually internally uses ar core and  a lot of the things that you would do inside with with viral core uh you can do with ar core as  well but i would still recommend verocor because i dont know i just found it much more comfortable  to use rather than going for ar core um yeah and using veto core you will be able to change  the look and feel of your models by changing the materials by changing the lighting and uh you  know by you can even apply your own textures to your model so theres a lot of things that  you can do with verocor rather than going for ar core at the moment but if you just want to  place a model on the you know in your scene uh then you can definitely use ar cores theres  something called scene viewer that you can use in ar core um that would be that is actually pretty  easy to set up its just like around what three to four lines of code you just launch an intent  and you can do it however you cannot customize the look of your models by uh you know by changing  the materials or the textures of your model so that is why i go for viral code rather than  you know sticking to ar core okay so as a game developer you might be having experience in  either unity or unreal now game developers are actually at an advantage when it comes to  developing arvr applications or arvr experiences um why is that its because um you already have  the general understanding of 3d all right like 3d concepts and that actually becomes very uh very  beneficial for you so as a game developer you already have good knowledge of you know vectors  and basic 3d mathematics as well as computer graphics right so all that will actually  be very very useful when you are developing any ar application or virtual ready application i  dont have experience with unreal uh i mostly have experience with unity and that is what i would  i will talk about so in unity you have a bunch of different sdks related to what you want to do  so in case you want to go for augmented reality you will go for your foundation er core ar kit  or for your wikitube theres so many and if you want to go for virtual reality it depends on the  platform that youre choosing to develop your virtual reality applications for so in case you  are developing applications vr applications for oculus youll have to use the oculus sdk  if you are developing applications for uh htc vive youll have to you know use the htc  vive sdk so you can see that it is becoming a bit complicated right like theres so many different  sdks for ar and vr so it becomes a bit of a bit difficult to manage everything so um this this  is actually being sorted out uh theres something called openxr that is coming out and i havent got  a chance to work with it so thats that thats the reason why im not being able to you know im not  able to tell you exactly how to use open xr or oh if you should use or not okay so you can see  that im recording now its like nighttime um the other part the whatever you watching now  was recorded in the morning and this part is uh being recorded at in the night so its um its  dark behind me thats why so anyway i hope that doesnt you know matter that much so ill just  jump to the good part any ar application that you develop or any er experience that you can you  develop uh it it works for platforms for both the platforms like ios and android right um so thats  like one of the major like major benefits of developing ar applications inside of unity also  you get uh you get tons of customization features using just drag and drop interface using a drag  and drop interface in inside of unity as well as its much more simpler to customize the look and  feel of your models using materials shaders and vfx particle effects and whatnot so theres  so many features of unity right so as a game developer you already know and its just think  of it as you know youre just developing a game so its just developing game but that  can be viewed in augmented reality so also its really important to note  here that air game and ar application they both uh they both are completely  different at least that is what i feel and uh you know when youre developing air  application you need some a few more things like you know connecting with the back end  and writing code to connect with the backend and you know fetching data from there like just  json parsing stuff basic software development but you know on the other hand if you are actually  developing a game you need to understand you know gameplay mechanics and how does physics work  so thats pretty different from how an air application is developed and how an ar game is  developed so another thing to note here is that uh you know developing uh uis inside unity uh  with those dragon you know the canvas element and ui button stuff that i feel building uis  with those canvas elements can be a bit difficult its just because like ive already worked with  uh you know android development myself so i find it much easier to develop uis in android rather  than uh in unity so but yeah you know like ud is already evolving and theres so many different uh  things that are coming out i mean i have checked out ui builder its the interface is much uh its  its actually very similar to what how you develop uis in android so its kind of similar um you have  all those different options on the right hand side and with the views and customizing those views  so its pretty much the same but anyway like um this is just something that uh is a constraint at  the moment but it will just get better with time so yeah thats thats what i believe so yeah all  right so thats it for this video and i hope this makes it very uh this this video makes it  simpler for you to understand as you know like whatever role you have that you know maybe a  web developer mobile developer or game developer you will be able to understand how to implement  arvr in your domain so yeah thats thats it for this video and i hope you liked it and  if you liked it just uh hit the like button and if you could share this video with your  friends or whoever wants to you know get started with arvr uh maybe hes in web developer  game developer or mobile developer whatever ill just share it with them if you have  any other questions you can just ask me down in the comments below dont forget  to hit the subscribe button to stay updated with all the latest ar vr news alright thanks for  watching till the end of this video and cheers bye

Rajat Kumar Gupta: How To Get Started With AR/VR as a WEB/MOBILE/GAME Developer? - AR/VR Development