How to catch a Shark. Real VR Fishing tutorial. Oculus Quest 2. 4K

In AR/VR Development

How to catch a Shark. Real VR Fishing tutorial. Oculus Quest 2. 4K - read the full article about VR tutorial, AR/VR Development and Augmented & Virtual Reality Solutions from Steve Rees VR on Qualified.One
Steve Rees VR
Youtube Blogger

hey hows it going guys welcome back to the channel and if youre new to the channel my name is steve um today im going to be showing you how to catch a shark its going to be a basic tutorial what to do to bring a shark in and to get that shark on your boat okay um im gonna be keeping the line help on so rather than relying on telling you um how to feel the vibrations in the controller youre gonna see the line and youre gonna see the colors of the line changing and hopefully thatll help you bring it in youll know what to do and what not to do as well okay guys but before i get into that i want you to do me a favor i want you to take that subscribe button and i want you to smash it clean in the face smash the subscribe button guys only takes a second and i want to get up to 100 subscribers it was my birthday yesterday and i want to get up to 100 subscribers so do me a favor if you enjoy my videos if you enjoy the channel hit the like button and smash that subscribe button help me get up to 100 subscribers all right guys but for now lets go catch that bloody shark right okay here we are guys um this is one of my personal favorite locations for catching sharks i call bull head sharks uh tiger sharks mako sharks all here um ive caught them with the casting rod ive caught them with the spinning rod so what weve got today is weve got the casting rod and casting reel saltwater both and ive also got the spoon liquid on you can see that for there um now hopefully were gonna catch a fish thats small enough to attract a shark now keep an eye on the line and ill talk through the colors and uh hopefully this video will help you catch a shark okay not just cartoon shot but actually bring it in and get it on the boat okay guys so here we go lets cast in now obviously im going to be keeping an eye out for the pale red line which will show you when something is interested now obviously because im playing on expert mode i dont know where any of the fish are in the water i dont have the fish finder i dont have the fish out in the water as well obviously if you play on hard the fish finder will make it a bit easier for you okay here we go guys lets try and lets try and get something interested okay we go somethings interesting weve got the pale red line end of the rod is different now hopefully itll be something that will attract a shark okay now when this goes bright red we can hook in okay so its running and im just gonna leave it run as soon as it stops im gonna start reeling in when the light goes right stop when the fish runs always pull in the opposite direction okay guys if you dont go in the opposite direction when the fence pull in the opposite direction pulling the opposite direction so we need to really quickly line his red turn and youve got to get the snap now when it jumps like that guys youve got to get the snap like i just did otherwise you will lose the fish okay when the line goes red line is green so hes tight yet so were going to be real real opposite direction nice and steady opposite direction opposite stop when it goes right now even right to the last minute you can see the line going red youve got a walk well there we go guys thats not too bad that is a japanese bull head shark its an epic fish and we brought it in brought them in with uh a spoonly wood im gonna keep that and this time im gonna cast back out in the same direction and were gonna see if we can get something on thatll attract one of the bigger sharks okay okay here we go lets try and get a bigger shark this time ive got something interested straight away lets hope its something that maybe a nice tiger shark would fancy a bite dove hes taking his tie line is blue so youve got a real real reel because its too slack pull in the opposite direction for the fish [Music] real real yes here we go guys weve got a me go shark on im gonna leave him run leave him run leave him run leave him run im gonna get straight back out there guys i dont know what that was okay weve got something on lets hope its going to be a little snack for a shot running very quickly so i dont think its going to attract a big shark and its actually another full headshot its guys japanese full head i missed the snack when it jumped so real steady pull in the opposite temperature get the snack you could do the snacks there because if you dont get the snack they run further out okay so avoid the right make sure you pull in the opposite direction then your eye is tight yet so i can real real real got the snap there as well guys making sure to keep the line white stop when it starts to go red you know because hes almost there well there you go guys thats uh another japanese ball head i got a feeling the bigger sharks are out here so uh well well see if we can get one on so lets oh here we go lets see if we can get lucky and get a bigger shark on all right here we go guys theres a mako shotgun leave the line run and were on pull in the opposite direction keep an eye on the line color guys okay pulling that and reel pull in the opposite direction get the snack now you saw the snap hes tired look the lines gone green pull in the opposite direction avoid the blue if that line goes blue youve got to really quickly pull in the opposite direction every time guys avoid the blue line get the snack pull in the opposite direction real real real because its blue get those snaps guys very eyes so real as quick as you can if you dont get the snack the shark will run and you are very likely going to lose you are very likely going to do today get the snack okay be a great sit with the snack blue green so really help right avoid the leg breathe just gently pulling in the opposite direction nice and steady at this point guys watch my hands okay here we go hes tired up so you can reel bringing him in nice and slow you can see it im just keeping that line white nice and steady guys dont panic with that and there we go hows that guys mako shark redfish 1429 pounds on a beautiful yacht in a beautiful location dont panic with it leave the shark run to start with the line help on just keep an eye on the color of the line for me i think the most important part is when the shark runs you pull in the opposite direction when the shark jumps youve got to get that aggressive snap youve got to get that aggressive snap like that okay and that thats how you count your shot uh well there we are guys um that was the shark tutorial now i was expecting to catch one shark we ended up catching three well and one that got away for some reason um hopefully youve enjoyed the video um take note of the line color if youre using line help um always pull away from the shark when its running in to avoid the blue line when the shark jumps youve got to get that snap if you dont get the snap when they jump youre gonna make it really really difficult for yourselves to land that shark okay um just take your time with it as long as youre reeling steady youre keeping it out of the blue youre avoiding the red line then youre gonna be fine just take your time like i said the important thing youve got to get the snap when they jump okay if you dont theyll run further out and youre just gonna it just makes it really hard okay um thanks for watching guys if you could smash that subscribe button leave a little like and uh drop me a comment i love i love you in your comments and answering your questions um and for now until the next time guys thats it i will see you around bye [Music]

Steve Rees VR: How to catch a Shark. Real VR Fishing tutorial. Oculus Quest 2. 4K - AR/VR Development