E-commerce Development services in Dublin

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Ecommerce website design

Online store is ususly treated as a separate and specific type of website because of complicated UI/UX, high load and straightworwaard effect on company revenue.

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Ecommerce digital marketing

SEO for ecommerce, as well as other digital marketing activities, has certain differences: sections, item pages and catalogue are to be elaborated properly.

e-Commerce Web Development

The WooCommerce developer will never agree with that who prefers Shopify or other CMS. Each project has its own requirements: for instance, if you plan to have daily traffic of several thousands of sessions or more, you will probably need a fully customized solutionbased on Java, React and other modern frameworks.

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Ecommerce website design in Dublin

Unlike the most corporate websites in United States, online store is often the key instrument for company to generate sales and revenue. That is why ecommerce development is more complicated and requires high-skilled professionals, starting from UX engineer, UI designer and to web developers and digital marketers.

Dublin firms tend to increase online sales from year to year: it's a susnainable, long-term trend that is confirmed by United States stats.

Dublin ecommerce digital marketing

The apparent difference between a e-commerce website (online shop) and a typical corporate site is the number of pages: whereas a company website usually consists of 10-100 pages, for a e-shop it's crucial to have all the goods and items showed at separate pages, which leads to thousands (and sometimes millions) of pages.

Digital marketing for a ecommerce website therefore differs as well. To promote your online store you also need to organize a user-friendly filter allowing users to navigate easily across the categories and products. Catalogue is also to be fine-tuned for SEO purposes.

E-Commerce website development in Dublin

There are thousands of platforms and content management systems (CMS) used to deploy an online store. The most popular are Magento, Shopify and Woocommerce (WordPress). Here is an extended list:

  • Shopify (and Shopify Plus)
  • BigCommerce
  • Magento
  • Woocommerce
  • Squarespace
  • Wix
  • Big Cartel
  • Salesforce Commerce Cloud
  • Volusion

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