Web Interactive Films Video Production agency official website in Petaling Jaya

Web Interactive Films Video Production company

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About Web Interactive Films Video Production company in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

Have you been intrigued about video production for your business?

Web Interactive Films corporate video production and animated explainer videos. We produce videos for customers all across the world including regular productions in the UK US Dubai India Malaysia Thailand and Singapore.

At WIF we have been making videos since 1996 and our crew members and technicians have been professionally producing videos for over 20 years.

We are vendors to brands like Samsung Schneider Electric and Nike.

We are a creative video production company that understands audience psychology NLP and the art of filmmaking. We craft corporate video production services and animated explainer videos.

Lets talk about something that would be worth your time.

Raise your hand if this has ever happened to you.

I recently commissioned creative work to a promising young agency. Only to get back absolute garbage after a never-ending wait of three weeks. This is what usually happens when you engage an amateur freelancer to produce your content.

The terrifying part was that the agency couldnt recognise the mistakes in their delivery. My feedback made no sense to them. They insisted that the feedback points were new requirements and new changes that were never discussed. This company said that the corrections would cost more and take more time.

Worst of all the creative people would only respond at some ungodly hour of the night while I was fast asleep. Even though they are a local company. And they ghosted me. This wasnt the polite well natured attitude that I was met with when we signed off.

Have you ever been ghosted halfway through a video production process? Sigh! The heartache. No one likes spending the wee hours of every wretched morning drafting and repeating the same changes again. Yes the same changes that havent been done for the seventeenth time.

No one has the time to sit through every single frame of a video and point out mistakes to ensure that the video production guy gets the brand and story right. This should not be your job. The effort of getting your video production person up to speed just isnt worth it. Why does this happen? Its always because its the first time hes working with a brand that cares about what they put out.

Im sure you have many such stories to exchange. But lets keep them for another time. The point that should not be missed is that productions dont always go as per plan and its best to work with well-experienced experts and technicians from the industry. Save your time money and avoid unnecessary stress.

Yes! Theres a pandemic around and many of us are scared that this might result in a global economic recession again. Nobody seems to be focussing on this huge trillion dollars opportunity. Businesses and individuals alike are spending more time online and with their devices. There is a revolution going on with the way video is produced and consumed. I receive over a million views on my answers relayed to YouTube video production. Content production and the way we have traditionally been making videos is changing. People of all ages are learning to do everything on their smartphones.

In a society and time where we are distancing ourselves and staying home as much as possible product videos help you take your entire business to every device on the planet.

A product video is the first step to your buyer taking out her credit card and parting with her money. But not all videos are the same. Although videos are great for catching peoples attention a low-quality video can be a recipe for disaster. A long confusing video could harm your brand and also cost you time and money.

Experience over time has taught me that youre better off dedicating a moderate budget to get a job done well. Otherwise it is as if you were throwing your money down the drain on several frustrating low budget productions that never see the light of day. They remain as unusable and embarrassing marketing experiments.

Here are a few steps to consider while producing your corporate video production. These steps will help you save time and get your monies worth as well.

Lets talk about budgets first. If you want to work with a small budget like $50 or $100 consider using the budget for a social media post. An alternative would be to consider creating a marketing presentation or slide show instead.

Have you ever come across an explainer video that went like this ’This is Bob. Bob has a problem. Here are all our product and service features that Bob can use. Now be like Bob and click here to buy now.’

Who cares about what Bob wants? Why should people invest in Bobs story or any of the other characters in the video? Is it worth your viewers time? Is there a story here that will grab the attention of your viewers?

Its good to be cautious while planning your video production budgets. You dont want to unnecessarily pay too much.

On the other hand our video-phobia is not unwarranted. We all know that video productions do not come cheap. Weve burnt our hands by commissioning work to inexperienced freelancers or 5 dollar sites only to receive very amateur work that cant be used.

A great working video will bring back sizeable return in sales and new customers.

People customers clients or even investors love to listen to your brand and product story. They will hang on to every word because it resonates with them. But a word of caution craft your story well. You dont want your story to be long-winded and boring.

If youd like to know more about how we can work together to create:

Drop us a line on our contact page.

You could even schedule a call at a time of your convenience.

Corporate films
Web commercials
Event video
Animated explainer videos
Website design and app development
UI/ UX design
Influencer Marketing
Video marketing strategy

Corporate Video Productions need to be crafted with great care. There are many ways to tell a story. Sometimes its a short message from the CEO. However every story even a talking-head video has a very important message and deserves all the attention and care so that it may be impactful.

The video production budget is determined by:
1. How your story is crafted?
2. What effort needs to go into producing a story?

An effective corporate video storyboard will engage your audience and viewers. We craft stories that are relatable to your local and international customers. The goal is to grow a positive memorable relationship through video. This encourages your audience to watch consume and think about what you have to say? Your audience should always remember a positive experience from your message.

Different video marketing strategies require different types of video productions. The first step to a video marketing plan is to budget for your video production. If you are creating a simple post for social media you dont need to spend much. A corporate video for an international trade fair would require a good budget. Here are some video production price slabs:

The video production costs are cumulated by planning the following:

We want to use the best approach to do justice to tell your story. Meanwhile we have to plan the production costs so that they are within your budget.

How do we pass on the long term benefits of working with our crew and partners with clients? We use state of the latest art high-quality movie equipment. When we regularly work on projects we save equipment costs and we get discounts from our vendors. We pass on these benefits to save your money on your production.

Our experienced marketing people storytellers and production crew will ensure that you see value through multiplied sales and engagement. Your video should not only pay for itself but with the right strategy we can ensure increased business as well. Our crew is highly experienced so we dont waste time or lose quality in our productions.

As a result you get a much better production quality video at affordable prices. Your videos will look world-class and better than the competition. As a result your audience will grow a positive outlook and an affinity towards your brand.

Our scripts and storyboards are crafted by top industry writers for top viral videos. We craft captivating stories that are tailor-made specifically for your target audience.
1. This helps increase attention spans.
2. You connect with your audience on an emotional level.
3. You fulfil your marketing and communication agenda requirements.
4. This results in multiplied engagement and business.

Video production is not just about documenting life and dialogue. When youre producing a video for your business you also want to consider:

This one simple question can make a massive night and day difference in how you approach your entire video production strategy.

At Web Interactive Films we always believe in developing long term relationships with our clients vendors talents and crew. This has been a successful strategy for all our business relations.

All of us want to connect with like-minded people. We want to craft films that are intuitive and original so that we can reach out to people and expand our circles.

You know your business best! Better than anyone else.
You understand your customers partners clients and audience.

Web Interactive Films comes in and marries your ideas with sound video marketing strategy professional storytelling and video production together. This is how together we make videos that work.

1. The video connects emotionally.
2. It creates a positive emotion in the viewers minds.
3. You start to see an increase in sales and business.
4. You share your success story with your friends.

Creating your very own movies for business is a magical experience. This is the most awesome feeling about the industry. We dont want to lose that magic and excitement. Together were making our very own movies.

Drop us a line on our contact page.

You could even schedule a call at a time of your convenience.

Web Interactive Films is a corporate video production and animated explainer video production company.

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