Intellifusion Artificial Intelligence agency official website in Shenzhen

Intellifusion Artificial Intelligence company

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About Intellifusion Artificial Intelligence company in Shenzhen, China

Intellifusion is an artificial intelligence innovative technology start-up founded in Longgang, Shenzhen in August, 2014. The company is focused on visual intelligence field, with an aim to make breakthrough in the large-scale industrialization of AI thr


· 人工智能芯片囊括国家科技部、发改委、工信部重大专项’大满贯’

· 揭榜挂帅工信部2项重点任务

· 联合国家超算深圳中心发布AI OS

· 发布人工智能’星云’生态战略 与深圳市政府办公厅、长沙市岳麓区、鹏城实验室、深圳联通等27家单位企业战略合作

· 主导参与人工智能3项国家标准编制

· 云天’深目’服务G20核心安保

· 为全国双创周深圳主会场提供安保服务

· 获得世界互联网大会’中国创客’称号

· 被评为广东省’双创之星’企业

· 获’孔雀计划’团队第一名

· 云天’深目’落地深圳龙岗

· 第一代自主知识产权AI芯片投入研发

· 入选国务院侨办’重点华侨华人创业’团队

· 云天励飞成立

中国第一款商用矢量处理器芯片设计者,美国佐治亚理工学院博士,拥有已授权国际专利近30项 (其中13项被苹果公司收购),发表国际著作和论文20多篇,曾任7个IEEE国际会议技术委员会委员


Copyright © 2020  深圳云天励飞技术股份有限公司版权所有

粤ICP备16026973号-1   |   隐私保护说明

Intellifusion  is providing end-to-end "Algorithm + data + chip + application + service" intelligent solutions to enterprises covering Safe city, Smart business, Unmanned aerial vehicles, Robot &Intelligent manufacturing etc. Intellifusion is empowering v

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Yimian Data is a data and AI company based in Shenzhen, China, founded by data scientists and management consultants in 2014. We are problem-solving partners to business leaders, helping them make intelligent decisions faster. To achieve this, we quanti ...

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Yimian Data Artificial Intelligence

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Malong Technologies is an award-winning artificial intelligence company whose mission is to empower developers and businesses with the most accurate visual product recognition technologies available on the market. The company is the maker of ProductAI®, w ...

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Intellifusion is an artificial intelligence innovative technology start-up founded in Longgang, Shenzhen in August, 2014. The company is focused on visual intelligence field, with an aim to make breakthrough in the large-scale industrialization of AI thr ...

Avg project size: $2500   |   Reviews: 0   |   Portfolio: 0 works

Intellifusion Artificial Intelligence

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