Contact Sama Design Design company (Banja Luka) at Qualified.One

Sama Design contacts in Banja Luka

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Banja Luka,
Bore Stankovića

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Score: 102422

We are a highly skilled and experienced Team of 15+ developers, designers and IT/ business specialists who believe that quality software is built with the right approach and the right people. We use the latest, reliable technologies and proven agile meth ...

Avg project size: $229286   |   Reviews: 7   |   Portfolio: 16 works

Codaxy Design

Score: 39749

Our vision is to be focused on providing premium services to a limited number of clients. We provide technical and creative teams led by seasoned developers and designers with one of the lowest employee turnover rates in the industry. This leads to superi ...

Avg project size: $105833   |   Reviews: 6   |   Portfolio: 0 works

JSGuru Design

Score: 9750


Avg project size: $5000   |   Reviews: 10   |   Portfolio: 10 works

hipinspire Design

Score: 514

We’re skilled creative team of professionals with years of experience in the graphic and web design, 3D design, programming. WHO WE ARE & WHAT WE DO Multi-tasking team of design lovers, backed-up by experienced developers. ...

Avg project size: $2500   |   Reviews: 0   |   Portfolio: 0 works

Sama Design Design