How to Install Java 18 on Windows 10/11 [ 2022 Update ] JAVA_HOME, JDK installation Complete Guide

In Development

How to Install Java 18 on Windows 10/11 [ 2022 Update ] JAVA_HOME, JDK installation Complete Guide - read the full article about java development, Development and from Geeky Script on Qualified.One
Geeky Script
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hello everyone i will come here to my channel  today im going to show you how to install the latest version of java that is java 18 on windows  operating system so lets begin now to install java you need to first simply go to your favorite  browser and in that disabled just simply search download then enter and youll be seeing this www dot is  ours first search result so just simply click on java downloads and you will be navigated to  the official site of java and here you can see that java 18 and java 17 both are available  now java 17 we have installed previously so now the latest version of java is java 18 so were  going to upgrade our java so you know just simply scroll down a bit and youll be getting there are  two tabs for java 18 and java 17. so we want to install the latest version of java that is java  18 so in java 18 tab youll be seeing again three more tab that is first is linux macos and windows  now we are going to install it for windows so i am going to simply switch it for windows tab and here  im going to install this x64 msi installer msi is basically microsoft installer right since its  a windows operating system which is a microsoft only so im going to download the msi installer  so just you need to simply click on this link and what it will do is it will going to start  downloading our java right now since i have already downloaded it i just you know simply going  to go to my download directory so you can see that java 18 is already been downloaded over here so to  install you need to just simply double click on it and you will be getting this window so let  us first minimize our download directory and our browser as well and here you need to just  simply click on next and you can see this is going to be our installation destinations that  is the c program files java jdk 18 folder they theyre going to be created so you know keep this  all default and then just simply click on next and it will going to ask you for administrative  privileges just in a simple click on yes and you can see our installation is rightly began  so this installing will take some time maybe you know about a couple of minutes so what ill be  doing is ill be you know coming back right after completion of this process yeah so well come  back and now we can clearly see that our java is rightly installed so just in a simple one close so  now that our java is rightly installed its time to set our environment path this is very important  guys so for that first what you need to do is you need to first simply go to your c drive and  then you need to just simply go to program files and here you need to just simply navigate to this  java folder so just simply go inside that folder and then youll be seeing this jdk 18 folder  is rightly created remember we said this while installing you just simply go inside that folder  and then well be seeing this bin folder so just simply go inside that bin folder and see you have  lots many file over here so what you need to do is just you know simply click on this address  bar then right click on it and copy so what we are doing is we are just simply going to  copy this jdk path over here and then we are going to simply click on the search icon and  here in the search bar just simply search with environ and you will be getting this edit system  involving variables so just simply click on that and you will be getting the system properties  window here you need to just simply click on environment variables and it is going to open this  window here and it is just simply click on path and then integer sim click on edit and you will  be getting this edit environment variable window here you need to just simply click on new then  just you know simply right click on it and paste so what you are doing is we are just basically  pasting the path till java jdk 18 slash bin over here right just same click on okay and you can  see in our path is rightly set right now its time to set our java home as well so for that again  you need to just simply click on new over here and just you know simply type java underscore  home and here under variable value just again right click on it and paste but this  time remember to delete this bin folder here we are going to set till jdk 18 only right  then just simply click on ok and then again okay and then again okay now just you know simply close  all this or you can minimize thats totally your wish just simply click on the search icon here and  this time just simply search with cmd then enter and you will be seeing our coin from rightly open  here if you just simply search with java space dash dash version then enter you can see the  latest version of java that is java 18 is rightly installed on our todays date right so this we  can easily install the latest version of java and windows operating system now im going to show you  how we can easily run a java program and how to run and compile them so for  that let us first close it just you know simply right click on it and then  just you know simply going to create a new folder lets give the folder name as a java dash  practice right just simply go inside that folder again right click on it new a text document so  lets give the text document as a hello world uh ill remove the dot txt with dot java then  enter and just you know simply click on yes right if you dont see the extension over here you  can easily enable it by just in simply clicking on view then just you know same click on show  and just you know simply check this file name extensions enabled see it is rightly checked so  after checking it so after checking it youll be able to see the extensions over here so our file  name is rightly set just simply right click on it and then just you know click on open with im  going to open with notepad so see our notepad uh file is slightly open this hello world  java so here im going to write a simple hello world program so class hello world and im  going to create a main method which will be public static void min and it will be string irons and  i need to create a brace and im going to simply print system.out.println im going  to simply print hello world over here hello world right suggestion simply go to file and  save you can easily save this file just simply go to this address bar simply search with cmd and  enter will be getting this comment from like to open in this dick this directory just you know  simply type java c then your file what is the file right so hello world dot java then  enter and you can see it has rightly compiled this c you can see this java after java we have given  a c right the c basically means compiled so this time what we did is we just simply compiled it  and see a dot class is rightly generated over here now we need to run this file so just simply type  java then the class name that is hello world so hello world and enter and you can see the  output hello world is slightly shown in our console this output is actually coming from here  this hello world double explanation mark right this is exactly what it is coming over here  hello world double explanation mark so this we can easily install the latest version of java on  windows operating system so thats basically all about this video please do share with your friends  and if you like this video if you really like it so thats all for this year friends thank you very  much for watching this video and god bless you all

Geeky Script: How to Install Java 18 on Windows 10/11 [ 2022 Update ] JAVA_HOME, JDK installation Complete Guide - Development