How to Install Java 17 on Windows 10 | JAVA_HOME [2021 Update] JDK installation Complete Guide

In Software Development

How to Install Java 17 on Windows 10 | JAVA_HOME [2021 Update] JDK installation Complete Guide - read the full article about java development 2021, Software Development and from Geeky Script on Qualified.One
Geeky Script
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hello everyone i will come here to my channel  today im going to show you how to install the latest version of java that is java 17 in windows  10 operating system and then ill also show you how to write a simple hellworld program in  java to verify whether java has been properly installed on your machine or not so lets  begin now to install java you need to first simply go to your favorite browser and in the  address bar you just simply type jdk download then enter and then well be seeing this first  result is from so just simply click on java ac development kit and this will you know  going to redirect you to this official site of java and you can clearly see that java 17 is now  available with this java 17 lts version that is the long term support right so india if you just  simply scroll down a bit you will be getting these three tabs one is linux then mac os and windows  right so these are the installation file of java for linux and this if you switch on to the mac os  these are the installation file for mac and these are the installation file for windows so since we  are going to install java for windows so im going to move to windows tab and then you can see we  have three files in here i i am going to install this x64 msi installer right and the file size is  just 150 mb so just in a simple click on that and this is going to start downloading our java you  can clearly see it has you know rightly started downloading since i have already downloaded it  i just you know simply cancel it and if i just simply minimize my browser and if i just simply  go to my download directory we can clearly see this java jdk 17 for windows has been rightly  downloaded over here right to install java just simply double click on it and this you are going  to launch this windows installer you can clearly see our java ac development kit 17 has been you  know rightly launched so just simply click on next and this is the installation folder so just  simply keep everything as default and just simply click on next and you can clearly see  our java installation has been rightly began this time it will also ask you for administrative  privileges so for that just simply click on yes and our installation will begin this will take  a couple of minutes so what i will be doing is i will be coming back after installing java so well  come back and now you can clearly see our java ac development kit 17 has been successfully  installed so just simply click on close so now that your java has been directly installed  its time to set our environment variables so for that just simply go to c drive then program  files and then java folder youll be seeing has been created with jdk 17. so just simply go inside  that folder then bin folder and then integer sim click on this address bar then right click on  it and copy right and now you need to just click on the search icon and in here you need to just  simply type environ and then you will be getting this edit the system environment variables so just  simply click on that and then you need to just click on environment variables and now as you can  see our environment variables window has been you know rightly open in here enter your sim click on  path then edit and then new and then you need to just you know simply right click on it and paste  so we are basically going to paste that java jdk 17 bin path over here right and then just simply  click on ok so now that our path has been directly set its time to set our java home directory so  for that you need to just simply click on new and then you need to just you know  simply type java underscore home and then in in the variable value integer similar  simply again right click on it and paste but this time remember to delete this bin folder over here  so we are basically going to paste till jdk 17 right and then just click on ok and then again  okay and then again okay right so now again if you just simply click on the search icon  and this time if you just simply type cmd youll be getting command prompt so just simply  click on that and now if you just simply type java space dash dash version then enter you can clearly  see the latest version of java that is java 17 has been rightly installed on our machine and now  im going to also show you how to run a simple java program so for that just  simply create a new folder over here and lets give a folder name as a java then just  simply go inside that folder then right click on it and then new then text document right so just  you know simply go inside the text document in here into just you know simply type a simple java  program so class hello world and and now you need to just you know simply create your main method  so public settings by domain then string args then you need to just simply go inside that main  method so create an open brace and in here it is just you know simply print hello world so system  dot out dot println and what we are going to print hello world right so hello world uh it will be  a semicolon and then you need to just simply go to file then save as right and in here you need to  just simply write the file name as and then into save this file as  all file type thats a very important step so do save this file as a dot java extension along with  all file types right and then just click on save and now if you just simply minimize this program  snippet and now if you just simply click on this address bar then just simply type cmd then enter  you can clearly see our command prompt has been rightly opened with this java directory right so  now in here it will just simply type java c so this c basically means compile right and then you  need to give the file name what is the file name hello world right dot java that is the full file  name and java c for compilation and now if we just ah hit enter you can clearly  see our program has been rightly compiled with no error and our helloworld.class file has also  been generated right so all this basically mean is our program has been rightly compiled now its  time to run so for that you need to do is just simply type java then space hello world then enter  so this hello world is basically the class name hello world class that is generated right and  you can clearly see our hello world has been directly shown in our console so this hello world  is actually coming from our program snippet that we have written hello all right so in this way  you can easily install the latest version of java that is our 17 in a windows 10 operating system so  thats basically all over this video and ill be also recommending you to also install intel ig id  ide you know distant operating system so that you can have the best coding experience in java so  this popular intel idea ide is extensively used for java programming so it is always recommended  to use this ide to code in java right so for that i will be also putting the link in the  description so please go through that link to basically install this intellij idea right so  thats basically all about this video friends thank you very much for watching this video if you  like this video then please give it a like and so please do share with your friends thank you very  much for watching this video and god bless you all you

Geeky Script: How to Install Java 17 on Windows 10 | JAVA_HOME [2021 Update] JDK installation Complete Guide - Software Development