Mobile App Development for VHSYS: Snowman Labs Design project at Qualified.One

Mobile App Development for VHSYS by Snowman Labs

Our key services

Score: 83389

CINQ Technologies is a software solution design and development company, with over 28 years of history and 17 years of experience in nearshore and offshore outsourcing. CINQ also has 13 years of experience in the application of the Scrum framework in digi ...

Avg project size: $400000   |   Reviews: 3   |   Portfolio: 0 works

Score: 33598

Brazilian mobile software house that deliver customized projects and outsourcing. We create and support custom Android and iOS applications for middle and robust digital companies that outsource their demand with us. Actually one of the most large mobil ...

Avg project size: $89167   |   Reviews: 6   |   Portfolio: 0 works

Capptan Design

Score: 13707

Snowman Labs is an insane laboratory for mobile technologies' that really believes in transforming business and user experiences through mobile apps. That's why we build stunning and amazingly designed apps for iPhone, iPad and 'Droids - but not only do w ...

Avg project size: $30000   |   Reviews: 3   |   Portfolio: 10 works

Score: 2832


Avg project size: $2500   |   Reviews: 0   |   Portfolio: 0 works


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