Contact Taller Digital Business Design company (Florianópolis) at Qualified.One

Taller Digital Business contacts in Florianópolis

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Rua Lauro Linhares, 1281. Sala 04 Trindade

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Score: 21207

Hey, we're Plathanus, a web and mobile development company. Embracing the priorities of the client as our own and we believing that software development is an art. Having as our differential the incremental delivery process organized by specific project ...

Avg project size: $40000   |   Reviews: 7   |   Portfolio: 5 works

Plathanus Design

Score: 15207

nKey is an enterprise app development company based in Florianópolis, Brazil. We create innovative and powerful mobile applications focused on results. Our goal is to deliver smart solutions that provides a great user experience. ...

Avg project size: $125000   |   Reviews: 1   |   Portfolio: 0 works

Score: 7957


Avg project size: $5000   |   Reviews: 2   |   Portfolio: 9 works

Score: 5889

Dub Soluções is a company from Santa Catarina founded in 2014 with the goal of bringing to the mobile market captivating, functional and innovative design applications. We develop on-demand mobile applications for businesses and startups on the Android, ...

Avg project size: $5000   |   Reviews: 1   |   Portfolio: 6 works

Score: 4582


Avg project size: $7500   |   Reviews: 4   |   Portfolio: 0 works