HSBC Bank - Internet Banking: Visionnaire Technologies Digital Strategy project at Qualified.One

HSBC Bank - Internet Banking by Visionnaire Technologies

Some details

HSBC Bank is one of the largest Financial corporations in the world.

Visionnaire worked on the development of HSBC’s original Internet Banking (IB), the project started in the year 2000 and won several awards as Best Internet Banking in Brazil.

With support of our professionals a solution based on Application Servers was designed to handle high financial

processing load, with security. IBM WebSphere was used and HSBC’s IB was one of the first in Brazil, processing millions of transactions.
FIEP - Internet Portal
Digital Strategy

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Score: 6589

Visionnaire is a Brazilian based Software House with more than 24 years of experience in software development. We developed and delivered more than 2,000 successful projects to our clients. ...

Avg project size: $5000   |   Reviews: 1   |   Portfolio: 6 works

Visionnaire Technologies Digital Strategy

Score: 3214


Avg project size: $2500   |   Reviews: 0   |   Portfolio: 0 works

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