Contact Januar Designbüro Design company (Zürich) at Qualified.One

Januar Designbüro contacts in Zürich

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Beckenhofstrasse 70

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Score: 47136

We are here to help your next project succeed. We specialize in Web Application Development (Vue.js, React.js, .Net Core, Python), App Development (React Native, Flutter, Swift, Kotlin), Database Systems and Microsoft Dynamics CRM/365. On the cloud side, ...

Avg project size: $98571   |   Reviews: 7   |   Portfolio: 10 works

Radity GmbH Design

Score: 514

January is the Beginning. January is a privately owned design agency focused on branding, visual communication and new media. A design agency for those who like to communicate, as we do. We listen, understand and create targeted approaches for the develop ...

Avg project size: $2500   |   Reviews: 0   |   Portfolio: 0 works