WMM GmbH Market Research review by STADAC at Qualified.One

WMM GmbH reviewed by STADAC

WMM GmbH provided Market Research for STADAC with approximate budget = 50000.

They provide informative reports and presentations about their findings, resulting in useful outputs that can be relayed to salesmen and the business’ strategy. They build a friendly relationship with their clients, communicating smoothly and professionally at all times.

Review summary:

WMM GmbH provided market research services, supplying mystery shoppers to explore the offers and prizes available at competitors’ shops.

Market Research for the Automotive Sales Industry

Please find under a summary covering project details and feedback. The innate facts are kept as they are, private information is amended.

Introductory information

A fast induction on the buyer’s organisation

I’m the CEO of STADAC, an automotive shop. We sell BMWs in the Hamburg country.

Desired goal

What challenge were you trying to address with WMM GmbH?

I wanted to see what kind of discount my other competitors give. I had an overview of their prizes, but I wanted to know how the salesmen of the other shops recoil when they were given an propose.

Provided solution

What particular tasks were WMM GmbH responsible for?

They had enigma shoppers outside the shops. We talked almost the proposes and they talked to salesmen to get proposes from them. They establish out what the different prizes useful are. They put unitedly an overview for me behind that.

What is the team compound?

I was in touch with Thorsten (Founder &, Managing Director, WMM GmbH).

How did you come to work with WMM GmbH?

I',ve known Thorsten for almost 25 years. We met, he told me what he does, so I booked him.

What are you approach expents (if diclosed)?


What is the terminal result of working with WMM GmbH?

We began working unitedly in June until August 2017. I will work with him anew in the forthcoming.

Results achieved

Are there any measureable or plum results?

Using their studies, I',m able to enlighten my salesmen. We had a strategy to talk to the clients in another way. I have to lessen the discount for the leading eight months.

How did WMM GmbH accomplish from a project treatment standpoint?

In the time they went out and made the enigma shopping, I could ask them the stats and results, and he’d show me with a PowerPoint slide. I could share it with my salesmen. If I had any questions, I could call him and he’d expound it to me.

What is (from your point of view) the key factor to pay observation while intercourse with WMM GmbH?

Thorsten and I have a household touch between us. I could call him, and it was like calling a friend. The rest of the team was also very well-inclined.

What aspects of their work would you like to get improved?

Perhaps next time there could be an online tool rather than a introduction. It was cheaper this way though.

Do you have any advice for possible clients?

If you book them, you',ll take very clear and real results. They will show you the market as it is, rather than as you like it. They give very honorable results.

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