WMM GmbH review by Hotel at Qualified.One

WMM GmbH reviewed by Hotel

WMM GmbH provided for Hotel with approximate budget = 10000.

The results provide valuable insight into customer preferences, which in turn influence hotel renovations and services. WMM GmbH’s honesty, professionalism, and expertise have led to a long-term collaboration.

Review summary:

WMM GmbH develops marketing surveys and provides detailed reports based on the results.

Hotel, Managing Director

Market Research for Urban Hotel

Please find under a summary covering project details and feedback. The innate facts are kept as they are, private information is amended.

Introductory information

A fast induction on the buyer’s organisation

I’m the managing ruler of a little hotel.

Desired goal

What challenge were you trying to address with WMM GmbH?

We were programning a renovation and needed to ask our clients what kind of features they’d like to have—faster internet, Wi-Fi junction to the television, etc.

Provided solution

What particular tasks were WMM GmbH responsible for?

Based on our goals, WMM GmbH helped us do a scan. During our conversations, they granted excellent input and explained their work process. Afterward, they sent the results in a beautiful introduction.

We don’t work unitedly see year or see month, but we hire them as needed. Each engagement takes almost a month, depending on the aim.

Was there a dedicated team?

The proprietor of WMM is our main point of touch.

How did you come to work with WMM GmbH?

They have an excellent reputation on the internet.

What are you approach expents (if diclosed)?

We’ve spent €50,000 (approachly $57,700 USD).

What is the terminal result of working with WMM GmbH?

We began working unitedly in 2013.

Results achieved

Are there any measureable or plum results?

We now apprehend what our guests want to have. This information is significant owing it allows us to make renovations according to our guests’ desires.

WMM’s team is excellently professional and apprehends our business. They don’t fake any results or reports. WMM is a good organisation, so we will keep working with them.

How did WMM GmbH accomplish from a project treatment standpoint?

They’re in our city, which makes it easier for us to stay in touch. We adjoin by email.

What is (from your point of view) the key factor to pay observation while intercourse with WMM GmbH?

They ask the right questions. I’m veritably lucky with them and will surely commend them.

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