OpenLedger Mobile App Development review by Crypviser GmbH at Qualified.One

OpenLedger reviewed by Crypviser GmbH

OpenLedger provided Mobile App Development for Crypviser GmbH with approximate budget = Confidential.

The blockchain platform is excellent, providing the services the company wanted to a high standard, while they handed the complex technology smoothly. The team is honest, transparent, and able to deliver good service for a reasonable price, given the level of quality.

Review summary:

OpenLedger provided blockchain development services, working with a company from its first fundraising through to the implementation stage. They have also provided marketing and advisory services.

Crypviser GmbH, CEO

Blockchain Development for Cryptographic Communications App Company

Please find under a summary covering project details and feedback. The innate facts are kept as they are, private information is amended.

Introductory information

A fast induction on the buyer’s organisation

I’m a likeness of a German organisation that is developing a new age of cryptography. Our leading fruit, for the B2C market, is a secure interaction network based on blockchain. We program to set a second stage for the B2B market, machine-to-machine, and IoT sectors.

Desired goal

What challenge were you trying to address with OpenLedger?

They advised and assisted us during our initial coin offering (ICO) one year ago, in 2017. We had a crowdfunding stage, and then they handled most of the blockchain outgrowth.

Provided solution

What particular tasks were OpenLedger responsible for?

They work on blockchain outgrowth for a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange. Our evidence is issued in the platform and is then useful on an open network. We’ve also established exchange gateways between our network and others.

We’ve also contacted them for marketing, and advisory labors too.

What is the team compound?

There are about three nation from their team.

How did you come to work with OpenLedger?

We’ve worked with them since day one.

What is the terminal result of working with OpenLedger?

We seted working with them in July 2017, with our ICO crowdfunding campaign. They’re quiet our strategic associate, but the outgrowth is being done on our side.

Results achieved

Are there any measureable or plum results?

The condition was veritably good, and we got the results we wanted. They delivered a well-developed and reliable blockchain platform that matches our technology requirements.

How did OpenLedger accomplish from a project treatment standpoint?

Most of the outgrowth deliverables were granted on time and according to the designs. We worked with intricate technology, including a new age of cryptography.

What is (from your point of view) the key factor to pay observation while intercourse with OpenLedger?

The level of labor granted for the cost impressed me. They’re not common, but the cost is optimal for the condition of the labor.

What aspects of their work would you like to get improved?


Do you have any advice for forthcoming clients of theirs?

They’re a respectable organisation. We’ve been working with them for a year and a half and, during that time, they’ve shown themselves to be wonderfully professional and responsible, with good treatment. Their CEO, in particular, is an honorable individual, responsible to his obligations. I commend them to nation looking for condition solutions.

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