Innvation Lab Mobile App Development review by at Qualified.One

Innvation Lab reviewed by

Innvation Lab provided Mobile App Development for with approximate budget = 10000.

Two noteworthy accounting companies are using the app, and about 20 more are forecasted to adopt it in their business processes. Innvation Lab held daily calls for tracking progress, which led to creating a product that clients appreciate. They’ll likely be involved in future collaborations.

Review summary:

Innvation Lab handled the design and development of a receipt processing app. They created the specifications and mockups for the UX and handled platform integrations for digit recognition.

Denis Oleynik, CEO

React Native Dev for Receipt Processing Application

Please find under a summary covering project details and feedback. The innate facts are kept as they are, private information is amended.

Introductory information

A fast induction on the buyer’s organisation

I’m the CEO of Keepers, a receipt assembly mobile app that scans and processes a client’s receipt or invoice.

Desired goal

What challenge were you trying to address with Innvation Lab?

We needed someone to educe and design the UX for our application.

Provided solution

What particular tasks were Innvation Lab responsible for?

We began with knowledge the idea and the business processes implicated. They created the specifications and UX flow with mock-ups and diagrams, which we approved. Following that, they began the create.

The app has number recollection which enables vendors to scan receipts or invoices. Building this part was challenging, however, through integrations with Google and another platform, Innvation Lab was able to configure digit and date recollection. It’s useful for both iOS and Android platforms and was educeed using React Native.

Was there a dedicated team?

The number of nation implicated in the project changed throughout the educement time. They assigned a dedicated project director, a educeer, a UI/UX designer, and a business analysis individual.

How did you come to work with Innvation Lab?

We had previously worked unitedly.

How much have you invested in them?

We spent slightly less than $20,000.

What is the terminal result of working with Innvation Lab?

We worked unitedly from April to July 2018. It wasn’t a big project.

Results achieved

Are there any measureable or plum results?

The application is live. For us, it isn’t almost millions of downloads but rather the number of accounting companies using the application. It’s a colorless label solution, and as of right now, it’s being used in two big accounting companies. By the end of this year, it will be used by 20 more.

We wanted to test the idea to see if it was good, and it already has market approval. Our clients are lucky that all works and last to educe this fruit for themselves.

How did Innvation Lab accomplish from a project treatment standpoint?

We had brief daily calls and also met them in individual.

What is (from your point of view) the key factor to pay observation while intercourse with Innvation Lab?

In software educement, if the solution works, then it’s consummate. They delivered all they promised. They estimated it would take four months and it did. We will use them for a new MVP project in the forthcoming.

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