Nelly Nel Fashion School: WopeDigital SEO project at Qualified.One

Nelly Nel Fashion School by WopeDigital

Some details

N&,N Fashion School is Ghanaʼs go-to fashion training center. Here at NellyNel Fashion School, we believe each individual is unique. Students are trained both practically and theoretically so they donʼt just possess the ability to make classic clothing but to also sell these clothes and dominate the fashion industry globally. We have successfully trained over 1000 students since the schools inception in 2016 both here in

Ghana and abroad with international students from Liberia, United Kingdom, United States of America, Congo, France, Nigeria and Togo who are all dominating the fashion industry globally.

Our key services

Score: 4500


Avg project size: $5000   |   Reviews: 1   |   Portfolio: 4 works

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