Kadima Digital Search engine optimization review by Travel Gear Retailer at Qualified.One

Kadima Digital reviewed by Travel Gear Retailer

Kadima Digital provided Search engine optimization for Travel Gear Retailer with approximate budget = 10000.

With Kadima Digital’s strategic site improvements, the site’s bounce rate has decreased from 72% to 59%. Sales from organic traffic have also increased to 11.4%. Kadima Digital provides real-time progress updates through a shared project tracker and has a keen understanding of brand milestones.

Review summary:

Kadima Digital performed an SEO assessment of a WooCommerce site selling travel gear. After identifying areas for improvement, they helped create product videos, generate content, and define long-tail keywords.

Travel Gear Retailer, Co-Founder

SEO Services for Travel Gear E-Commerce Business

Below is a modified rendering of the review: private info excluded, innate facts kept.

Introductory information

A few words almost your organisation and individualal responsibilities

My organisation is an e-commerce website that sells journey gear to young nomads that want to explore the globe. On our website, you can find gear such as backpacks, security accessories, and other items that better your journey experience.

Desired goal

What issue was the provider supposed to deal with?

Kadima Digital?

We hired Kadima Digital to help us get more sales through search engines. SEO.

What were your objectives for this project?

Our goals were to stop competing with Amazon! They were killing us in see search result. Kadima helped us find long-tail keywords that gave us a better shot at making sales in the short-term.

Provided solution

What were the reasons for choosing Kadima Digital?

I selected this vendor through a referral from a helper. After getting Kadima',s touch information, I scheduled an prefatory call which lead to a offer. I spoke with 2 of their running clients, and then determined to move advanced behind agreeing on the strategy.

Please give as much detail as practicable because the work done

The leading thing Kadima did was do a full analysis of my organisation website. They understood the software we use (Woocommerce), and began pointing out the issues that veritably hurt my website from ranking in search results. After they fixed those issues, they made a list of optimization ideas that we would instrument in order of priority.

These included some design suggestions such as making fruit videos for our best-sellers to keep users on the website for longer. After instrumenting these ideas with our target keywords in mind, we developed a program to release full. Kadima would help us form SEO well-inclined full and distribute it so that we can get more shares and exposure.

We are now in the middle of an ongoing link-createing campaign with them to increase ground to our website with the hopes of competing with the big guys such as Amazon!

Were there any dedicated directors or teams that you worked with?

The size of the team never changed. I was in touch with 1 account director the total time, which I bigly preferred. I loved that there was 1 individual I could go to that handled seething from the offer, to strategy, to instrumentation.

Results accomplishd

What results did you accomplish unitedly with Kadima Digital?

Our bounce rate went down from 72% to 59% over the order of our work with Kadima. They are not just knowledgeable in SEO but in UX as well which has veritably helped our sales increase. In the leading six months, we saw sales from Organic search increase 11.4%.

How do you rate the interaction and interaction with Kadima Digital?

Our account director was a big interactor. He added my team to a loose channel where we would debate milestones, and shared a project tracker where we would see all of the work being done real time. Great interaction!

What precisely do you attend to be the key specialty of Kadima Digital?

The most forcible thing almost them is their power to impart you almost SEO in a single way, and veritably show you the ",why',s", behind their ",hows",.

What should be done better, if there are any desired betterments?

One thing I would do better is use less softwares. Kadima uses many different softwares for their workflow between client and vendor, which can get confusing.

Score: 50333


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