Contact VixSpace Design company (Hyderabad) at Qualified.One

VixSpace contacts in Hyderabad

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5th Floor, UniSpace Business Center, Vaishnavi's Cynosure, Gachibowli

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Score: 555389


Avg project size: $5500000   |   Reviews: 1   |   Portfolio: 4 works

Score: 35389

We are a boutique User Experience (UX) and Design Services Company focused on Digital Transformation, SaaS platforms, Mobile Apps & Enterprise Products. Over the last 10 years, we have delivered hundreds projects for US and Indian companies across various ...

Avg project size: $46000   |   Reviews: 10   |   Portfolio: 14 works

Score: 16889

Our journey started with a vision of making applications humane. We have been collaborating with organizations to make their software more user friendly and simpler to use. At core we are artists and poets who express through great designs and lovely inte ...

Avg project size: $125000   |   Reviews: 1   |   Portfolio: 4 works

Score: 15923

(Visit our website to request a quote for your project) How Riktam Technologies can help you - Experience: You benefit from our extensive experience developing mobility products and solutions. We have developed over 200 apps for iPhone, iPad, Android an ...

Avg project size: $36667   |   Reviews: 6   |   Portfolio: 0 works

Score: 13374

At Covent, we develop innovative and creative products and services that provide total communication and information solutions. Among a plethora of services, web design and development, tailor made applications, ERPs, CRMs, e-commerce solutions, business- ...

Avg project size: $53333   |   Reviews: 3   |   Portfolio: 0 works

Score: 6514

XDesignWorks in Your partner in establishing strong digital assets for your business - be it websites or mobile apps - which take you ahead of your competition. We are a design and development agency focused on adding value to B2C and B2B brands across t ...

Avg project size: $17500   |   Reviews: 2   |   Portfolio: 3 works

Score: 5041

Prabal Design is a focused group of Strategists, Designers and Mentors working passionately towards building smart User/Customer experiences and spreading design awareness. Our design team appreciates and adheres to the aspect of ‘designing for humans’ an ...

Avg project size: $21667   |   Reviews: 3   |   Portfolio: 0 works

Score: 4964

EnterPi is a full spectrum software development company. Over the past 10 years, EnterPi has developed highly robust software systems for the worlds biggest companies. Applications built by us are used by multiple Fortune 500 companies with thousands of u ...

Avg project size: $7500   |   Reviews: 4   |   Portfolio: 0 works

Score: 3514


Avg project size: $2500   |   Reviews: 0   |   Portfolio: 2 works

Score: 3207

We're Henceforth. Founded in 2011, and based in Hyderabad, India — we are a focused team of professionals with many years of experience in E-commerce development, website designing, programming and producing great looking, profitable websites built on dur ...

Avg project size: $5000   |   Reviews: 1   |   Portfolio: 4 works