Multilingual WordPress Website: PixoLabo Full Service Digital project at Qualified.One

Multilingual WordPress Website by PixoLabo

Some details

When this nonprofit organization from Oakland, CA, first contacted us they had a domain, and a vision. Now they wanted to combine the two into a multilingual WordPress website to raise awareness and donations for their cause. So far, so good! However, Amoveo Mundi had much less comprehension of the complexities that are part of a multilingual WordPress website project. We knew we had our work cut out for us. The first steps in

building this multilingual WordPress website involved helping the client figure out what kind of content they needed to tell their story, and how that content should be structured on their website. The next phase focused on the design of the new multilingual WordPress website. Amoveo Mundi intended their new multilingual WordPress website to connect them to a global audience. Therefore it was essential to keep the overall design bold and minimal while encouraging visitors to explore content through interactive elements. The final phase of the project involved the “multilingual” part of this multilingual WordPress website project. Once the design and English content was complete the client provided the Spanish and Hebrew versions of the text content. Our team added multilingual support functionality and placed the translated content not only on the actual pages, but in navigation menus, widgets and CTAs as well.
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Score: 13811

We are a small, but innovative multilingual WordPress web design lab. Our primary focus is English and Japanese mobile-first web design and e-commerce solutions. Our team translates ideas into information design strategies for global companies and product ...

Avg project size: $4444   |   Reviews: 9   |   Portfolio: 17 works

PixoLabo Full Service Digital

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