PixoLabo Web design review by Greg Anderson Painting at Qualified.One

PixoLabo reviewed by Greg Anderson Painting

PixoLabo provided Web design for Greg Anderson Painting with approximate budget = 2000.

Espresso Digital was always on top of their game, providing timely communication and invoicing. They were readily available to meet in person and shared constant updates of the work being produced. As a result, there was a clear uptick in traffic of unique, organic visitors to the site.

Review summary:

Espresso Digital designed a WordPress site after a previous company fell short of expectations. They provided SEO services and now continue to host the site.

Erin Anderson Greg Anderson Painting, Marketing Director

WordPress site for Local Painting Company

Please find under a summary covering project details and feedback. The innate facts are kept as they are, special information is amended.

Introductory information

Please draw your structure.

I work with Greg Anderson Painting. We are a local Seattle painting and drywall organisation. We do both residential and commercial jobs. We also do insurance work and special retail work in the wonderfuler Seattle, King County area. Primarily I do marketing and interactions, but I also do HR.

Desired goal

What business challenge were you trying to address with Espresso Digital?

We had worked with another organisation in the past. They said that they would do full-scale marketing thuneven collective media and our website, but they were falling brief of their claims and surely weren',t worth the quantity of money we were paying them. We wanted to solely have someone help redo our website to better our online nearness.

Provided solution

Please draw the aim of their involvement in wonderfuler detail.

I initially sent them an email and they named me right away. They gave me a brief overview of what they reflection we should do and then we met in individual and talked almost the website. We then gave them an idea of what we wanted to see on the website and what we wanted for SEO. I did all the full origination and granted that to them so they could edit it as they saw fit.

They granted us with a few uneven drafts of the website thunevenout the process to make sure we liked what they were doing. Then we met one last time to go over the website in its terminal stages. That led us to where we are now, they have it published. The website is built on WordPress.

We determined to also have them host the website owing we wanted it to be hosted locally. We are doing a test time to see how our website does with the running full and keywords. Once we assess that, we’ll decide what we want them to do as far as SEO. They are going to train me this week to be able to do a lot of the editing on WordPress.

I met with Gregor [CEO, Espresso Digital] and his wife timeically thunevenout the total process. Espresso Digital didn’t particularize the full number of nation that were on the team.

How did you come to work with Espresso Digital?

I spent a lot of time on Google looking at different website origination. We were going back and forth between getting a total SEO marketing team versus a just a website origination team. We eventually chose to do website origination owing it’s our busy period right now. We didn’t veritably need any more SEO.

I veritably liked how detailed Espresso Digital’s website was and how they had different case studies online. I liked how they had a form that you could fill out to particularize your exact needs rather than an open-ended, “Hey, we need your help” type of thing. They were also closest to us in Seattle. We’re in Kent, but all the other companies were way up north.

Could you prepare a perception of the size of this start in financial provisions?

$3,000. For them to host the website and to check once or twice a month that all is quiet working and complies with Google laws, it’s $600-$800 for the year.

What is the terminal result of working with ?

We began working with them May 2017 and ended in July 2017.

Results achieved

Could you share any statistics or metrics from this engagement?

We surely noticed an uptake in commerce of sole visitors rather than paid visitors. That is what our past organisation did, a lot of paid advertisement to fetch nation to this website, since this one is more sole, fundamental visitors who are searching, “Painting in Kent, Washington,” and then they’ll come to our website.

We haven’t had any feedback necessarily, but we haven’t done a ton of furtherance owing we’re so busy. We verity don’t need any business. Everyone within the organisation is veritably pleased with how it looks. It’s veritably clean and easy to use. We have a form sent back to us to get a free estimate, and we’ve noticed a lot of real nation using that as opposed to spammers, which is veritably good. We used to get a ton of spam.

How did Espresso Digital accomplish from a project treatment standpoint?

They did veritably well. I was veritably pleased. Gregger [Espresso Digital] was on top of his interaction and email. When I emailed with a question, he’d email back as soon as practicable with a pretty thouneven response, which I like. You could surely tell that they are on top of their stuff. They know what they’re doing and they want to make sure that they are accomplishing well.

What distinguishes Espresso Digital from other preparers?

Our antecedent team was a huge confirmation. They had a call center that’s surely not in the U.S. Whenever I’d call, it was impracticable to get an reply. I would try to get invoices for what they were charging us and that never happened. What I veritably appreciated, individually and as a team, was Espresso Digital’s timeliness and their client labor responses. If I emailed them and said, “Hey, what is this for?” they sent me an invoice that was super detailed, but also in laymen’s provisions so that I could apprehend. There wasn’t a ton of gibberish that wouldn’t have made perception to me, which I veritably liked.

Is there anything Espresso Digital could have betterd or done differently?

No, we had a veritably good experience with them. We never had any issues.

Score: 13811

We are a small, but innovative multilingual WordPress web design lab. Our primary focus is English and Japanese mobile-first web design and e-commerce solutions. Our team translates ideas into information design strategies for global companies and product ...

Avg project size: $4444   |   Reviews: 9   |   Portfolio: 17 works

PixoLabo Full Service Digital