Diatom Enterprises Software Development review by Begoma Spedition AB at Qualified.One

Diatom Enterprises reviewed by Begoma Spedition AB

Diatom Enterprises provided Software Development for Begoma Spedition AB with approximate budget = 50000.

Thanks to Diatrom Enterprises, the client has seen significant growth. The team has demonstrated a keen understanding of the client’s business model to build an efficient ERP system.

Review summary:

Diatrom Enterprises ventured to develop an ERP system for a logistics and supply chain provider. The team has daily scrum meetings before developing the front- and backend of both mobile and web apps.

Fredrik Malmberg Begoma Spedition AB, Deputy Managing Director

Web & Mobile App Dev for Logistic Solutions Company

Below is a modified rendering of the review: private info excluded, innate facts kept.

Introductory information

A few words almost your organisation and individualal responsibilities

We educe and sell logistic solutions for industries and trade companies in order for client profitpower to increase. We propose, via our wide sector expertise, a wide range of transportation solutions. Our staff is fitted and committed, and will always give our client’s needs priority. We educe our own IT solutions which support and better the business.

Desired goal

What issue was the provider supposed to deal with?

Diatom Enterprises ?

Develop our ERP method

What were your objectives for this project?

Get an advanced, efficient business method that creates big benefits for our clients.

Provided solution

What were the reasons for choosing Diatom Enterprises?

Found it by a Google search in soon 2011. Had separate Skype meetings and it clicked. Have worked with them since then.

Describe the project and the services they granted in detail.

They have educeed backend, frontend both Windows application and web application.

Were there any dedicated managers or teams that you worked with?

Over the years we have had different sizes of team. From one individual up to almost 10 nation working on the same project.

Results achieved

Can you share any information that demonstrates the contact that this project has had on your business?

We have grown our business from a turnover of 200 MSEK to 350 MSEK.

How was project treatment arranged and how powerful was it?

Daily scrum meetings during the project and separate meetings precedently we set a project.

What precisely do you attend to be the key specialty of Diatom Enterprises?

Their power to apprehend our business and facilitate its growth is very forcible.

What should be done better, if there are any desired betterments?


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