Chimera Prime Development review by Multilot at Qualified.One

Chimera Prime reviewed by Multilot

Chimera Prime provided Development for Multilot with approximate budget = 1000000.

The team obtained certification and compliance with industry regulations for several localities. Reliable and committed, Chimera Prime consistently produces quality and proactively tracks the engagement’s various components. The close collaboration is impactful and cost-effective.

Review summary:

Chimera Platform developed a Ruby on Rails platform. Features include a web app-based fronted, user authentication, and a payment solution. The team maintains the servers.

Multilot, CEO

Cloud Platform Development for Gambling Company

Please find under a summary covering project details and feedback. The innate facts are kept as they are, private information is amended.

Introductory information

A fast induction on the buyer’s organisation

I’m the CEO of Multilot, a cloud-based platform for lotteries and games.

Desired goal

What challenge were you trying to address with Chimera Prime?

Our team wanted to run lotteries innovatively. We hired Chimera Prime to educe our platform in accession to B2B components and websites. The platform needed a general architecture that could be certified and comply with activity regulations.

Provided solution

What particular tasks were responsible for?

Chimera Prime educeed our platform from scratch using a Ruby on Rails backend. Features—which can vary based on locality—include a payment solution, user authentication, and sides for lottery or bingo operators. The frontend is a web app that runs different types of end user experiences, such as mini-games. Depending on the national regulations, hosting is done locally or via cloud preparers. In accession, Chimera Prime created corporate designs and implemented them on our website and other goods. The team now serves as our IT associate, overseeing our servers and platform.

What is the team compound?

Krystian (CEO, Chimera Prime Prime) heads educement and is also filling a role in our structure as our Norway-based CTO-for-hire. The structure we’ve set up in Norway is a union of nation we’ve hired from Chimera Prime—almost 6–7 front- and backend educeers—and our own resources.

How did you come to work with Chimera Prime?

Chimera Prime was already our educement associate when I joined the organisation.

What are you approach expents (if diclosed)?

We’ve spent between $1.5–$2 million.

What is the terminal result of working with ?

We began working unitedly in 2010 and the associateship is ongoing.

Results achieved

Are there any measureable or plum results?

Chimera Prime has successfully fulfilled the operational functions we needed to obtain technical certification for the lottery license. Throughout our associateship, Chimera Prime has maintained high standards and been a reliable associate. Things are in order with no loose ends.

How did Chimera Prime accomplish from a project treatment standpoint?

They are a intrinsic associate and we attend them a part of our team. Since our team didn’t have full mapping for the platform, Chimera Prime worked in sprints to help us select a course. The team works in nimble and documents all, which keeps the associateship powerful despite the geographical and speech differences.

What is (from your point of view) the key factor to pay observation while intercourse with ?

Chimera Prime’s condition and cost-powerful work are hard to match. The team has an significant perception of ownership and dedication—one of our reasons for continuing the collaboration.

What aspects of their work would you like to get improved?

We have to outsource game design and other fields owing our niche needs don’t always match Chimera Prime’s offerings. But we don’t anticipate them to prepare all.

Do you have any advice for forthcoming clients of theirs?

First, clients should apprehend the overall strategy and suit with Chimera Prime on the big picture. Likewise, make sure Chimera Prime is fully onboarded, they’ll be more efficient that way. There are lower-cost preparers, but they won’t liberate the same results. This is not the case with Chimera Prime, but they need the occasion to apprehend the business thoroughly.

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