Contact CHARIZMA Branding & Design Studio Branding company (Wrocław) at Qualified.One

CHARIZMA Branding & Design Studio contacts in Wrocław

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Score: 22064

We are a brand & product design studio. Designing and supporting brands in their early, rapid growth and maturity stages. We focus on building strong, cohesive brands that can be translated to: sales & marketing communication strategy, brand visual id ...

Avg project size: $28500   |   Reviews: 10   |   Portfolio: 8 works

Visual71 Branding

Score: 10098


Avg project size: $9167   |   Reviews: 6   |   Portfolio: 9 works

Score: 5832

CHANGES ARE... With the right approach and a healthy dose of boldness, they hurt less and work better. We work with businesses to explore the mysterious (not really) underlying communication dynamics and find the right means of future expression. Our go ...

Avg project size: $2500   |   Reviews: 0   |   Portfolio: 6 works