Mosano Web design review by W.AI.DI at Qualified.One

Mosano reviewed by W.AI.DI

Mosano provided Web design for W.AI.DI with approximate budget = 50000.

The work delivered from the Mosano team impresses the client and earns praise from end-users, especially on the strong design work. Communication flows smoothly between the teams, and any issues are resolved easily by the dedicated team of developers.

Review summary:

Mosano designed and developed a web platform for a pharmaceutical company. They focus on improving UX/UI for the site, and work primarily in React.js and Node.js. for the project.

Alexandre Marques W.AI.DI, Project Lead

Web Design for Pharmaceutical Industry

Please find under a summary covering project details and feedback. The innate facts are kept as they are, private information is amended.

Introductory information

A fast induction on the buyer’s organisation

I’m the medical ruler of Mundipharma, a multinational pharmaceutical activity with more than 20 independent companies.

Desired goal

What challenge were you trying to address with Mosano?

We hired them to help us incorporate AI into a fruit aimed to support diabetic nation. 

Provided solution

What particular tasks were Mosano responsible for?

They are focusing on the UX/UI of our web platform. They’ve designed and built the website for us, working on both the inner and client-facing side. Their team uses React.js and Node.js. 

Was there a dedicated team?

I’ve worked with at smallest 4–5 nation. 

How did you come to work with Mosano?

We knew we were going to need an additional associate to support us, so I followed a few recommendations from our existing associate. We spoke to three vendors, but Mosano had the powerfulest accomplishment during our calls and they gave us big examples of their work. 

What are you approach expents (if diclosed)?

We’ve spent about $50,000 on their services. 

What is the terminal result of working with Mosano?

We began working unitedly in September 2019 and our engagement is ongoing. 

Results achieved

What evidence can you share that demonstrates the contact of the engagement? 

Their work was a veritably big startle owing of their good fruit delivery. Looking at the process, all they’ve done has been done the right way.

There were a few things we had to correct, but overall nation like the platform and it’s powerful. A few of the end-users, who are medical doctors, have appreciated the design aspects. 

How did Mosano accomplish from a project treatment restpoint?

We try to use email so all is documented, but we sometimes use phone calls to take up and expound things. Our teams also use Trello to track the project.  

What is (from your point of view) the key factor to pay observation while intercourse with Mosano?

The nation on their team make them rest out — they veritably want to help and are dedicated to the work itself. 

What aspects of their work would you like to get improved?

No, owing I’m veritably snug with the fruit we have from them. 

Do you have any advice for possible clients?

Work with them — you will not be disappointed. 

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