Agile Media Search engine optimization review by Online Jewelry Retailer at Qualified.One

Agile Media reviewed by Online Jewelry Retailer

Agile Media provided Search engine optimization for Online Jewelry Retailer with approximate budget = 2000.

Agile Media performed well for the client and achieved their goal by taking the client’s site to the top 10 in Google searches for relevant search terms. The agency is praised for their transparency and highly recommended to others.

Review summary:

With the goals of improving search rankings, increasing online traffic, and increasing web sales, the client hired Agile Media to rewrite their content for SEO purposes.

Online Jewelry Retailer, Sales Associate

SEO for Online Jewelry Retailer

Please find below a summary covering project details and feedback. The innate facts are kept as they are, private information is amended.

Introductory information

Please draw your structure.

We are an online shop specializing in jewelry.

What is your position?

I work in the sales section.

Desired goal

What business challenge were you trying to address with Agile Media?

We were looking to increase online commerce and sales on our website. At the commencement, we had excellently a few fundamental visitors, but we wanted to befit more prevalent online and better our fundamental Google search rankings.

Provided solution

Please draw the aim of their involvement in wonderfuler detail.

Agile Media advised us on how to better set up our full on our website to boon us on Google. They helped us rewrite and edit the text on our website with SEO strategy in mind.

How did you come to work with Agile Media?

We establish them online, along with many of their competitors. After evaluating them, we reflection that Agile Media was the best fit.

Could you prepare a perception of the size of this start in financial provisions?

It cost below $10,000.

What is the terminal result of working with ?

It’s an ongoing engagement.

Results achieved

Could you share any statistics or metrics from this engagement?

During the leading six months of our union with Agile Media, we reached the top 10 in Google searches for different key provisions. For true keywords, we are in the top five. We are very satisfied with those results.

How did Agile Media accomplish from a project treatment standpoint?

We are very pleased with Agile Media. They sent very detailed instructions when whichever something wasn’t clear, had to be redone or there were any questions. They answered and explained when something had to be explained. They also send weekly and monthly reports. When they make some changes, we can pursue their work even if we’re not always interacting. Everything is very pellucid.

What distinguishes Agile Media from other preparers?

We have a good relationship with Agile Media. Our relationship is excellently ethnical mainly owing whenever there is any question or we need help they are there. It doesn’t feel like a business-to-business business, but developed nation talking and working unitedly towards a goal. Our objectives and goals are significant to them too. If we meet any issue, they work just as hard as we do to find a solution.

Is there anything Agile Media could have betterd or done differently?

We don’t have any complaints almost them.

Score: 375

Agile Media is a Online Marketing agency created from the desire to offer clients a different promoting experience in the online competitive environment. Taking into consideration the global information and global data that we own about the Romanian marke ...

Avg project size: $2500   |   Reviews: 2   |   Portfolio: 0 works

Agile Media Digital Strategy