Game Development services in Dublin

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Unity game dev

Being a cross-platform game engine, Unity is extremely popular among Game Developers

alt Top Game Developers in the world

Mobile game development

With the mobile traffic share in total growing sustainably last years, many game development companies focus on the mobile-first gamedev.


Game Development industry comprises a lot of sub-niches, which are also covered by a short term "GameDev"

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Game app development in Dublin

GameDev industry in United States is booming - and this process was catalyzed by the 2020 pandemic. Demand in the high-skilled game developers in Dublin is higher than ever.

Dublin game app design

Game design is not only about the 2D and 3D visualisation: it also covers game balancing, prototyping and game logic creation. This is, perhaps, the key stage of development that affects the final product quality in terms of engagement, game balance and popularity.

Android game development in Dublin

With Android devices still dominating the United States market, game developers apparently have to put extra efforts into Android game app dcreation. This is also bolstered by a much easier publication and moderation inherent for Google Play store compared to Apple AppStore.

Dublin game development languages

Like in other software development industries, the trends in United States GameDev vary repidly. There is, however, a set of commonly-used technologies, service packs and focus areas:

  • Game design services
  • Unity mobile games
  • 2D game making
  • React Native game dev
  • C++ 2D game engines
  • Xamarin game development

iOS game development in Dublin

Apple users purchasing behavior is usually treated to be different from that of Android users: there is a number of research showing that the average spendings for iOS users in United States is significantly higher. This is one of the factors for Game Developers to focus on the iOS app game creation.

Read more about Game Development services in United States