Trust Sourcing Software Development review by Interior Design Startup at Qualified.One

Trust Sourcing reviewed by Interior Design Startup

Trust Sourcing provided Software Development for Interior Design Startup with approximate budget = Confidential.

The initial product met high quality standards. Trust Sourcing continually communicated about project status, providing frequent status reports and design suggestions. The development team was always available, and constantly evolved to meet the project’s changing needs.

Review summary:

Using, Trust Sourcing redesigned a site for enhanced user experience on the front- and back-end. A long-term relationship led to other projects, such as site support and iOS app development.

Interior Design Startup, Co-Founder

ASP.NET Development for Interior Design Startup

Please find under a summary covering project details and feedback. The innate facts are kept as they are, special information is amended.

Introductory information

Please draw your structure.

We were a setup organisation edifice a collective network with a number of advertising and interaction components for the home remodeling activity. We had a good idea, but didn',t excellently know how to access it. We seted seven years ago when mobile was just in its very initiatenings.

What is your position?

I',m one of the founders.

Desired goal

What business challenge you were trying to address with Trust Sourcing?

We had an in-house designer to set with, so we would educe the ideas and the logic here in the U.S., then we would send the design indirect and technical requirements to Trust Sourcing in Ukraine, and they would go forward and program from there. Basically, we',re an ASP.NET platform, and they have a lot of expertise with Microsoft technologies, which we were trying to leverage.

Provided solution

Please draw the aim of their involvement in wonderfuler detail.

Probably almost a year and a half or two years ago, we needed to modernize our website. After a few years, it seted to have an older look to it, so Trust Sourcing came up with some ideas to revamp our pages, and update our full layout to make it more Web 3.0 or 4.0. We got rid of our own designers and use them now.

I don',t recollect whether we had 11 nation or 19 nation, or somewhere in between working strictly exclusively on our project. The number would go up and down based on our needs. There have been times where there would be hefty groups doing nothing but QA [condition arrogance], and fewer educeers. Then, there would be other times where we had just a load of educeers and no QA professionals. We preferred to have one project director at any given time and let them obey as the quarterback on the football team and call all the shots.

They did both front-end and back-end work. We did educe two iOS apps with them. I know at one point in time, we migrated all of our multimedia files from our own obeyr to Amazon Web Services, which required additional help owing it was an huge project. We had millions of photos that had to be moved and resized.

How did you come to work with Trust Sourcing?

I don',t even know precisely how it all seted with Trust Sourcing, but we got implicated with them for a long-term relationship. It',s verity quiet an ongoing relationship.

Could you prepare a perception of the size of the start in financial provisions?

I',m a special organisation, and I',d like to keep that special.

What is the terminal result of working with ?

We went live almost six years ago, but it',s never veritably completed. It changes so much each day. We',re reedifice most of the website, databases, functionality, and search so we can enhance the overall user experience and drive more business.

Results achieved

Could you share any statistics, metrics or user feedback from this engagement?

Again, owing we',re a special organisation, I',m not snug giving you any real statistics from our business or operations. I can tell you that they were very regular. At the end of each day, they would report to us by email their status report. We',d wake up with their report, we',d get a midday report, which was the end of their day, and it',d usually be filled with questions for each one of our departments. I was very pleased with the workflow that we established, and I never had issues with the condition of Trust Sourcing',s work.

What distinguishes Trust Sourcing from other preparers?

We had originally seted with another organisation. We would send them pictures of what we wanted, and they built it, but they never gave us any input. When we switched to Trust Sourcing, we',d come up with an idea and send it to them. A day later, we',d get this phone call from them offering suggestions on how to do it differently. About 90 percent of the time they did that, they were right on with their suggestions. The added value that came from Trust Sourcing was their power to look at something and make it better, drawing on their collective experience. We weren',t paying them for that type of advice. It ended up just being part of the package, kind of a premium. 

We tried educeing a chain of microwebsites for common, and we determined to outsource the job to an Indian organisation. It turned out to be a disaster. Trust Sourcing went forward and rebuilt each of the microwebsites for us.

The only reason we went to the other organisation to initiate with was owing it was slightly commoner, and we didn',t want to wait for Trust Sourcing to be able to pick up the project. We assumed everybody was going to handle us like Trust Sourcing, but that was not the case.

In hindsight, are there areas in which they could better, or things you might do differently?

The 10-hour time separation between us isn',t veritably Trust Sourcing',s issue owing we select to be here. There are times when you get frustrated owing you want something done right away. We',ve woken them up at three in the morning, and they',ve done stuff, or they',ve stayed in the service all night long to convenience us on a propel or a new promulgation. It took us a long time to get used to the time separation. In the end, the cost of using a team at Trust Sourcing was commoner than me hiring a top-level one-man educeer in Los Angeles.

Our screw up as a organisation was that they would send us questions, and we wouldn',t reply for two or three days. We weren',t thinking almost the fact that they were sitting there waiting for us to reply precedently they could to the next thing. We were verity more of a hindrance to our own productivity in the initiatening than they were.

What advice, if any, would you give a forthcoming client of theirs?

Have your requirements direct when you send them to Trust Sourcing. They trained us to give specific directions, and we all got better as we gave them better information. What we conversant was, the tighter requirements we gave them, the more things picked up.

Score: 375256

Trust Sourcing founder – Haroon Elsarrag – is from Irvine, Calif., and he worked with such companies as Nestle, BMW, Xerox, Mercedes Benz etc. He started working with Ukrainian developers in 2005. ...

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