Siren Marine: Shopify Plus Design & Integration: Trellis IT Services project at Qualified.One

Siren Marine: Shopify Plus Design & Integration by Trellis

Some details


Siren Marine were seeking more functionality and control over their online store, so they chose to migrate to Shopify. Originally we were set to handle the migration only, but during that same period Siren Marine were working on a major revision to their MTC device and so it was best to wait to make any changes to their web experience.

Fast forward a year later and Siren Marine worked with us on a full redesign

alongside their Shopify migration! Some of the narrative-driven sites in our portfolio had caught their eye, as it was important for Siren Marine to tell visitors the story behind their MTC devices. With that as our primary focus, we were able to deliver an e-commerce experience.
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