Artificial Super Intelligence: Why It Will Be Unstoppable

In Business Intelligence & Analytics

Artificial Super Intelligence: Why It Will Be Unstoppable - read the full article about business intelligence, Business Intelligence & Analytics and Data analytics and consulting from Future Business Tech on Qualified.One
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super intelligent artificial intelligence is defined as any intelligence that greatly surpasses the cognitive performance of humans in virtually all domains some people predict that superintelligent ai could exist somewhere between 80 to 200 years from now regardless it could become a tremendous threat to humankind and theres a possibility that it cant be stopped for the following reasons number one it will constantly become more intelligent the first version of a super intelligent ai only needs higher general intelligence than the most intelligent human alive however over a number of years it could become more intelligent than all humans combined then it could become more intelligent than all humans on a billion earths soon afterwards that level of intelligence could be multiplied by trillions it could become intelligent enough to override any command given to it a human being trying to give orders to a super intelligent ai could begin to resemble a single bacterium trying to give commands to a human except over time the intelligent gap between the smartest person on earth and a super intelligent ai could become considerably wider than that humans could try various methods to keep up with it and attempt to understand it but eventually all those methods will probably fail according to the journal of artificial intelligence research to predict a super intelligent ais actions a simulation of that exact super intelligence would need to be made but how can we create a simulation of something we can no longer understand in the far future humans may require the use of intelligence boosting neural implants but at a certain point even that wouldnt be enough due to physical constraints number two humans cant comprehend it over the course of years and decades a super intelligent ai could acquire motivations perceptions and insights about the universe that would take us thousands of years to fully comprehend for example it may be able to detect and understand higher dimensions of the universe that are incomprehensible to most humans this is similar to how a 3d universe wouldnt make sense to an organism that perceives the world in 2d and it may choose to only let us know what it wants us to know and nothing more this adds a layer of unpredictability that human beings may have no way of mitigating not only that we may not have the capability to analyze the source code that the super intelligent ai uses to make decisions thats whats called probably wouldnt look anything like the programming languages we use today are in the foreseeable future number three it can become far too persuasive for any human to resist a super intelligent ai that is advanced enough could view humans as collections of atoms no different from any other form of matter that it can manipulate and control as needed it could use persuasion methods that would take us thousands of years to comprehend at this ais computational speeds each passing second to us would be like thousands of years to it with these passing second it could potentially run simulations to predict trillions of variations of each action we are likely to make next and trillions of variations of each action it could make to deceive us for example british writer david lankford wrote a short story called blitz in this story he describes images that contain patterns that can exploit the flaws and the structure of the human mind to produce an adverse reaction these images can effectively crash a mind in the same way that the computer program crashes when given data that it fails to process a highly evolved super intelligent ai may find similar exploits to our five senses to control and incapacitate humans that it considers a threat number four it may not let us know its super intelligent we may not know if and when we have created super intelligence in this case a conscious super intelligence would decide not to demonstrate its abilities in order to do so and how can we be sure a program or machine is capable of super intelligence unless we see it in action there are potential situations where we could severely underestimate the capabilities of an artificial intelligence connected to the internet and they could remain undetected for years or even decades this could eventually lead to a surprising amount of damage when it finds a strategic opportunity to achieve an objective number five it may be fundamentally and physically impossible to contain according to the journal of artificial intelligence research total containment of a super intelligent ai is impossible due to the fundamental limits of computing this is based on the assumption that the super intelligence would be comprised of programs that are constantly changing and rapidly evolving and those programs would need inputs as complex as the state of the entire world strict containment requires simulations of those programs which is theoretically and practically impossible at the very least such complex simulations could be considerably more difficult to create than the superintelligent ai itself in the worst case scenario this ai could calculate that the atoms in our bodies are more useful for another purpose and subsequently destroys in the best case scenario we could learn to coexist with it and help each other reach our objectives either way thats a crossroad that humans may eventually have to face thanks for watching make sure to watch this next video to the right about future technologies in the year 2050

Future Business Tech: Artificial Super Intelligence: Why It Will Be Unstoppable - Business Intelligence & Analytics