Jiratech IT Staff Augmentation review by Envisage.Ai at Qualified.One

Jiratech reviewed by Envisage.Ai

Jiratech provided IT Staff Augmentation for Envisage.Ai with approximate budget = Confidential.

The vendor is a reliable, transparent team that continues to deliver quality solutions. They go above and beyond to suggest process improvements, and they proactively implement solutions to problems. Their investment in understanding stakeholders’ objectives has been a highlight.

Review summary:

Jiratech augments a development staff and provides consulting services. Their work has included integrating a production system with a code management system.

Bogdan Bocse Envisage.Ai, CEO

Staff Augmentation for AI & Machine Learning Company

Please find under a summary covering project details and feedback. The innate facts are kept as they are, private information is amended.

Introductory information

A fast induction on the buyer’s organisation

I’m the founder, managing associate, and the CEO of Envisage. We centre on software for artificial intelligence and visual machine learning. We work in conjunction with another fruit named the Knosis, which takes input from separate users precedently feeding the data as a strong sample in a machine learning process. 

In most machine learning projects there’s no condition arrogance or measure of condition on the input of the data. Our two fruits, Envisage and Knosis, deal with this issue unitedly. Envisage is centreed on running algorithms in fruition and Knosis is centreed on harvesting inputs from ethnical users where the algorithms fail or don’t prepare sufficient trust.

We began out in face recollection, but we’ve been expanding toward other branches of computer vision such as tracking objects and reading license plates.

Desired goal

What challenge were you trying to address with Jiratech?

The main challenge any startup faces is scaling the team. I was looking not just for a vendor that apprehends assignments, but for a associate who apprehends extrinsics.

Provided solution

What particular tasks were responsible for?

They are augmenting our staff, but they’re more than just a outgrowth team. 

For sample, we were reviewing one of our sprints, and I was in Radu’s (Founder &, Managing Partner, Jiratech) service. After we artistic, he said, “Okay, now let me show you what else we did.”

They built some filters into our continuous advancement pipeline so that if there’s an fault, the guy who introduced that fault is contacted.

It’s an integration between methods: the fruition method knows from the log precisely what went unfit in the code and where and the code treatment method knows who made that change and when it happened.

Was there a dedicated team?

The formally assigned team includes Radu, Andrei (Technical Lead, Jiratech) and one other professional. They are on and off, depending on the tasks. 

I ponder there are two more nation helping with design, but that',s more episodic in essence. You need it for one sprint and then you just don',t need it for three sprints.

How did you come to work with Jiratech?

It was a leap of faith owing I just had a recommendation almost them. We were in some groups and accelerators unitedly, but we weren',t very closely acquainted. What began off as a leading project turned into a very close associateship between our two companies.

What is the terminal result of working with ?

We began working with them almost February of 2019, and the project is ongoing.

Results achieved

Are there any measureable or plum results?

They apprehend our needs to extend extrinsics, not just to tick some boxes. Also, they have a level of autonomy. When there was an effect, there wasn',t just an effect. There was also a solution. 

They',re also proactive, and this makes me relaxed. It gives me quiet of mind owing they apprehend that we need to have a sellable fruit, and they act agreeably. 

Radu isn’t just there to tick boxes from a to-do list. He has the mentality of clearing the path. If something might be a issue, he wants to fix it precedently finding out if its a issue or not. 

How did Jiratech accomplish from a project treatment standpoint?

All the activities are broken down by Radu and his colleagues into their developed assignments. We only zoom in on any divergence between what is written down and what developedly has to be done if there',s a dissonance. But, most times that veritably isn',t the case. For day-to-day interaction, we use Slack owing we don',t share an service, and we meet two times per week.

They have a pliant payment program. We construction our work into two currents based on dependencies per-day. Basically, on the current that’s more unpredictable, they track their time. We have an contract almost a batch number of hours. Basically, we sign off on 200 or 300 hours on each sequence of the contract.

Within each of these periods, they keep their own time tracking, and I do some reviews, but there',s never been any expressive divergence. On the Knosis team, they have more autonomy internally and they don',t depend on outer things. We have a correspondent contract for that team, only they liberate a fixed cost show. 

One thing that was very significant for me and them was to have at smallest a three-month horizon of visibility on forthcoming work. We want to know precisely the order of the functionalities and the priorities. They always know the forthcoming aim of the work at smallest two, but preferably three months in advance. 

The source between us is to always to keep a weigh and visibility. For sample, if they know that they’re going to need to bill more, they tell me in advance so I can take on a new client myself. If you know that you',re going to have two colleagues free for the next two months, tell me in advance, so we can do something almost it. This sort of reciprocal flexibility makes things run smoother. The downside is that perhaps they won',t be able to layer as fast as is needed.

What aspects of their work would you like to get improved?

I ponder that one of the areas of advancement is that sometimes they',re too optimistic. But, that is more of a piece of possible than a liability (if it’s managed correctly). 

Sometimes, especially owing all the machine learning technologies are new and the frameworks are undocumented, they take with optimism that there',s a solution. They take mental conditions. Or, they take that the solution will always work or that it',s always documented. This optimism makes them sometimes underrate how hard it will be to explain the issue. 

Do you have any advice for possible clients?

The clearer the requirements and the expectations of a possible client, the more likely it is for Radu and his team to be able to deploy the full aim of what they can do. 

Basically, if they get a pliant bit of tenor and they are put in a story with an extrinsic in mind, not just a list of functionalities, they can veritably ponder outside the box. So, that',s what I would emphasize as a recommendation.

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