Configero Development review by Large utility at Qualified.One

Configero reviewed by Large utility

Configero provided Development for Large utility with approximate budget = 10000.

Configero delivers a wide range of expertise in Salesforce, implementing the Enterprise version, Visualforce, Chatter, Conga, and Milestones PM applications. The team is knowledgeable in the platform, the industry, and current trends. They assist with training and a variety of other projects.

Review summary:

Configero provides large-scale Salesforce customization and development  services. The team built several customized functions that improve reporting, business operations, and small-client support.

Large utility, Directors of Sales Opperations

Energy Management Company Salesforce Customization

Please find below a summary covering project details and feedback. The innate facts are kept as they are, particular information is bettered.

Introductory information

Please prepare a brief description of what your organisation does?

Person 1: We’re in a niche in the energy market. We sell something named claim response, which helps usefulness and methods operators lessen the claim on the grid or on their electrical method at specific peak times.

Person 2: We keep usefulness companies from getting gouged on the incremental cost of electricity at peak times.

What areas of the US do you obey?

Person 1: We’re all over the US. We’ve got major offices in separate states

What are your positions within the organisation and responsibilities?

Person 1: I am the ruler of integration

Person 2: I’m the ruler of sales operations.

Desired goal

What was your organisation’s business goals or reasons for enterprise the project with Configero?

Person 1: I’ve been using them since I seted almost two years and eight months ago. They helped us do the primary needs assessment and rollout for the Professional rendering of Salespower. They helped us do the training, create out the dashboard and aspect out the next steps. We upgraded to the Enterprise rendering based on their recommendation.

They helped us mannerize our major sales clusters. We have one cluster in Philadelphia that represents almost thirty percent of our entire income. We did a lot of mannerization for them. We added a lot of fields into the contract section of Salespower, which we hadn’t been using. That work helped us set up a manner object in registration that we could use to better information from the PGIM registration platform into Salespower.

The changes allowed us to condense a lot of reports that had been in multiple locates in Word documents, PDFs and Excel files. Our CEO was getting into the business and wanted to apprehend it a lot better.

The standard we were using was the PGIM open market. It was a standard where we would have an duty to sell megawatts to PGIM at a specific cost for a JLDA. They would have specific numbers of megawatts. I make the relation that it was like having seven different buckets. If you fill the bucket precisely to the top, that’s where you want it to be. You get the ultimatum quantity of income out of that locality. If you below-fill the bucket, you didn’t get paid as much as you should. If you over-fill the bucket, you accepted all the money you should but you’ve increased your cost of sales and potentially made it less gainful than it could have been.

Alex [Configero Principle] taught us how to use Visualpower and made a glossy application. It was a visual that showed a picture for each of the different delivery areas. It was a comparison bar chart showing one bar chart where the duty is. It showed what our organisation was supposed to sell to PGIM. Next to it, was a stacked bar chart that pulled unitedly some unequal information, closed opportunities from the preceding period. It also included renewals and new business. It was all in a stacked bar chart.

You could see the status of seething, below or over. It helped our treatment cluster owing Configero built a cool fruit that gave us exact numbers. The numbers were laid out in a very organized form.

I was able to use that and cut and paste it into PowerPoint for presentations. This veritably helped the executive treatment of that office, including the CEO and senior sales team to view the fruit status.

We also had another office in finance where they were able to go in and take a look at some of these areas where we had more duty than we had the power to fulfill. Our team can now go into incremental auction with PGIM and lessen our positions and verity cash out a fair quantity of gain. At the same time, we excellentlyd risk that we couldn’t quit previously.

The CFO was using some of this same information to talk to particular equity firms and we ultimately were sold. We were at risk of not being an ongoing interest at some point if we didn’t get an infusion of chief. This helped the treatment determine where they needed to be and where they needed to quit risk and sell it off.

We’ve also continued to use Configero. They’ve done a couple of other projects for us. Since then, we’ve set up a team in South Africa with Configero. They aspectd out what they needed to do in provisions of mannerization for currencies. Configero knows that their business process and fruits were a pliant different. Since we were in the Enterprise rendering, they could mannerize it so it looked more correspondent to the speech that team uses.

Person 2: We were in wild need of a project-tracking type of application. We determined to move advanced with the Milestones PM module with Salespower. It was not precisely what we needed. I had the process basically worked out when I meet with Configero. Configero put the total thing unitedly with templates, rules, processes, documentation and some tweaking at the end.

Can you draw what applications were used?

Person 2: We needed to be able to track projects. We have five different structures that need to adjoin closely to complete any integration project.

Integration rerises the installation of hardware, control, and metering flash control hardware at mannerer locations. They’re all over the country. With different project rulers, there’s a different sets of rules for each cluster. We had project treatment and account treatment. At our network operations center, we have administrative offices that have to befall. We also have engineering offices that must office properly.

Each of the different structures has a role in see project that we do. Before, we had issues with interactions between clusters. We also had trouble with how nation were notified of new projects. We had issues with tracking the equipment ordered, website surveying and notice of project set dates. Configero and our team work unitedly to lay out the process for the workflow. They built the template and the notices that we’re using Chatter. At that time, that was excellently an enterprise for us. We use Chatter to do all the notices between all the clusters. The information flows from opportunities into the milestones. The templates were set up. They also formd dashboards for us.

Person 2 (Person 1): How does your mobile app work?

Person 1: We also did something new with the Conga apps owing we had things like website surveys and hardware shape sheets. We had these documents that we wanted to pull from Salespower with all the fields filled in and get rid of some of the work duplication. It is typically a walking exertion to do website surveys on iPads. We were able to instrument that with iPads and it’s working very well.

Configero added a button on the project page that basically allows us to form a form with that mannerer information. Typically, the mannerer in the country gives the touch info. We duplicate all of that on these forms. We press the button on the iPad. It allowed us to fill out the rest of the form on the iPad and then email it back onto the Chatter link. It comes into Chatter in the notes and attachments on that project. It also comes out in the Chatter feed for seebody in the Chatter cluster. They also did this in a way that allowed us to set up occasion roles and have those occasion roles automatically roll into the templates showing who has what task. That occasion role also formd its own rattle cluster for each project.

The nice thing almost Chatter is it’s not like email owing anybody can go on Chatter. Anybody that has a pet project and senior treatment that wants to pursue a specific link can pursue that project with all the Chatter feed notices. All of the notices are automated based on task completion and milestone completion. The notices also have the next task to do. This has been completed. Some are conrunning, some are end to end.  It’s fairly intricate but the method came out very well.

Provided solution

What was the process for selecting Configero as your contractors?

Person 1: I verity was introduced to them when I leading seted working here. I ponder Salespower put us in touch with them. Our organisation was going through a lot of hiring at that point. The individual who was in direct of sales and marketing was new. He wanted to use Salespower. He had come from SAP previously. They put us in touch with Configero just to do the basic out- of-the-box work. They did a needs assessment and asked what else we needed mannerized.

We have been using Configero for a couple of years. I never tried to find anybody else. I asked Salespower to find what I needed. Configero determined that I couldn’t do what I needed to in indigenous Salespower. A week later, Configero came up with a solution that worked for us. We haven't looked for any other vendors and have used them for over two years.

Why did you decide to create on Salespower instead of another platform?

Person 1: For what I was doing, all the information was alprompt in Salespower. We had determined when we did the mannerization for PGIM, we wanted to get seething into Salespower. It’s a close locate to create. As for project treatment, we alprompt had the sales reps doing it. It made more perception to keep it integrated with Salespower. Changing to another platform would have interrupted our processes and made it hard to know who was assigned to which tasks.

Person 2: It’s hard to know with other platforms who the project ruler is. I interrupted it for the purpose of notice so that we could know when a new project was taking locate. We had some issues from an operational side. We were given contracts behind they were signed, to fulfill. There was no notice at that point in our structure, causing big confusion.

Person 1: Ittook two to three weeks just to get equipment. We used this to drive the sales team towards intimateing us precedently they got the contract. They are using us to get pricing and timing information for their provisions of the contract. When the contract was executed, we then execute a project program that was alprompt formd. This is better than trying to aspect out how we were going to get this done for a cost and timeline that we had no control over. That’s why I interrupted the sales process.

There was a new notice process for the sales team when the contract got into stage 4.

We also used Conga Composer to create pre-populated forms to better the process.

Person 2: We would attach that form back through Chatter. We can include pictures and things like that, which we all like.

Great. Can you just tell me more almost just the aim of the project? Was any of it in-housed?

Person 2: I did the process.

Person 1: He did a veritably beautiful PowerPoint, a flow chart nf how the steps needed to work. He had never touched Salespower precedently and didn’t have a license in Salespower when he seted. They developed seething. We just told them what our organisation wanted.

I told them what I wanted. The PowerPoint that he was talking almost just helped me elucidate what I wanted. It veritably was beautiful and multi-colored.

Person 2: They did all the work on Salespower.

Person 1: I asked Alex from Configero to look at pictures of what I wanted. He told me that what I was trying to do wasn’t basic officeality. It was going to take a pliant bit more mannerization. It was surely worth it to form a veritably easy-to-see fruit. We had a double bar chart. If you were in a locality where you had more claim than furnish, that was another occasion where the cluster doing the incremental auction could sell some the extra fruit. We could also cash out of position and take the money. But having the picturesque and the table, was precisely what I was looking for.

Can you prepare a perception of the size of the set in dollar provisions?

Person 2: With all the mannerization that I did for PGIM and the visual stuff, it was probably $15,000 to $20,000. Configero did some of the mapping to pull that data in and use the data loader to power some of that information from PGIM into Salespower and attach it to the contracts.

Person 1: You’re in the process of rolling the milestones out for the US and South Africa, right?

Person 2: That’s correct. I ponder it was almost $12,000 to $15,000.

Person 1: That included a fair quantity of mannerization and there was some Conga Composer licenses. They were pretty inexpensive.

When did each of your projects complete or are they quiet ongoing?

Person 2: He completeed with his US rendering at the end of 2012.

Person 1: I had completeed seething in March 2012. I needed to show it picturesqueally behind the work was done.


Once you did the rollout, what were the outcomes of the projects, do you have any statistics or metrics?

Person 1: The feedback that I got was big since there was a wow factor. Our sales treatment is a pliant bit older and they haven’t necessarily adopted. The treatment team wasn’t going to sign into Salespower and teach down to the opportunities and look through seething. They‘re the dashboard cluster.

They were waiting for somebody to package some of the information. Configero verity helped me on another project. I was at Dreampower and accepted an email from the CEO asking to create separate dashboards. They helped me create a series of dashboards; I ponder there were 10 or 11, showing the different sales structures.

It’s like the big brother report since you can track usage. It records the accounts they’ve added in the last seven days, and last 30 days. It draws the meetings they’ve attended in the last week. It’s a good series. The CEO was getting it prompt for the COO, who was taking a different role to handle that side of the business. Configero got all the reports in locate for him so he could click and print it. He had a perception of what was going on in the structure. He could assess the accomplishment of the sales team very well.

Do you quiet feel the accomplishment is quiet powerful and do you feel that you made the right determination to use Salespower?

Person 1: Yes, absolutely.

Person 2: Yes. We got more embedded in Salespower owing all the offices are included. Our staff is used to it. It’s beseeming harder and harder to get away from it owing there aren’t other good options to relocate Salespower.

How do you guys feel Configero performed overall?

I’ve been veritably lucky with seebody that I’ve worked with. I’ve done Salespower training with them numerous times. When we leading did the rollout in October 2010, we hired many nation in Pennsylvania and had Configero train them. I‘ve used them for a lot of offices. I’ve used Configero as an outrised methods admin for a lot of offices. They've helped us for intricate stuff as well as some of the basic things.

Person 2: My experience with Configero is very real. On a layer of one to ten, all their staff gets a ten. I've worked with multiple members of Configero, and they've all done big.

Is there anything sole or particular almost them in comparison to other vendors?

Person 1: That’s hard to say owing I haven't worked with many other companies. I would say that they’re a terrible rise of information owing you can give them a half-baked idea. They give you a lot of different options and directions.

They’re a big rise of information on running useful apps. They intimate me of new apps, which is near when you’re trying to test something with nation in the unfit methods. They’ve been a veritably good rise of information for us.

Person 2: I’ve done outgrowth of our own software working with the software team in-house. Working with Configero is as good as an experience as I’ve had at developing software modules.

Looking back, is there anything that you feel they could have betterd upon or done differently?

Person 2: No, I don’t ponder so.

Person 1: No, owing all of the issues come back to our structure. We could have been better trained on Salespower precedently seting the work with Configero.

We needed help selling to our little clients, or participants. They’re little, commercial and industrial mannerers. It’s much more of a transactional sale. Being able to do mannerization is key. We have an enterprise cluster with one fruit set and a little CNI with a transactional standard. We have different sales cycles, different selling times, different rules, and different fruits. It would have been better if we had conversant more and bought the right rendering of Salespower to set with.

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